BIPA UMM with BIPA Teaching Training Participants (Photo: Zaki / PR) |
As one of the old institutions in East Java, the Indonesian Language Institute for Foreign Speakers of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (BIPA UMM) often accompanied the teaching of Indonesian language and culture to a number of agencies.
For example, 24 foreign students from various countries participated in the Republic Indonesian Darmasiswa Diplomatic briefing at BIPA UMM in July. They came from Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Thailand, Ukraine, Egypt, Yemen to America.
These foreign students joined the Developing Countries Partnership Scholarship (KMB) and the Ministry of Education and Culture's Darmasiswa Scholarship Program which was held at BIPA UMM. This good track record made a number of agencies trust BIPA UMM to assist them.
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This also underlies several private or state universities in East Java such as Trunojoyo University, Surabaya State University, PGRI Adibuana University Surabaya came to UMM to take part in the Beginner Level BIPA Teaching Training, Monday (29/7).
At the opening ceremony attended by Dr. Arif Budi Wurianto, M.Sc. as the Head of UMM BIPA was attended by 20 participants. This number was deliberately chosen because it was felt to be more effective in absorbing the material and also the teaching practices provided.
It also was attended Dr. Ratih Juliati, M.Sc. as the Special Assistant to the Rector for Planning and Development of UMM Collaboration which also officially opened the Beginner Level BIPA Teaching Training in the BIPA Classroom.
In her remarks, Ratih expressed her pride to the participants who attended because there were still many who cared for and loved the Indonesian language and culture. She hoped this spirit will never fade to internationalize Indonesian.
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Meanwhile, Arif said, the training that was held for three days was aimed at the public. Especially for lecturers and students who had an interest in BIPA who was projected to be able to teach Indonesian to foreigners.
In the training that was held for the first time in 2019, the participants will get some learnings such as the basic theory of BIPA, Micro Teaching, attitudes, and knowledge of Indonesian culture.
"Because our BIPA has been established for one year, we need to learn more and explore what needs to be developed. Therefore, we come to this training," said Ferra Dian Andanty, SS., M.Pd from PGRI Adi Buana University. (Win)