Remember JAKET Formula from These UMM Medical Students to Prevent Hypothermia

Author : Humas | Friday, February 14, 2020 10:01 WIB
Nadhiva Nur A. and Bagas Danadipa. (Photo: Special)

Hypothermia is a condition when the body temperature drops dramatically to below 35°C. When body temperature is far below normal (36-38°C), the function of the nervous system and other body organs will experience interference. If not treated immediately, hypothermia can cause heart failure, respiratory system disorders, and even death. But these symptoms will not occur if you really apply the formula of "JAKET".

JAKET itself is an acronym of Jeans are not allowed to be used, Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages to warm the body, Keep your body temperature normal, Eat enough because the body needs energy, and finally The equipment carried and used must be completed.

This effective formula created by group of students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FK UMM) was expected to be able to prevent hypothermia. Bagas Danadipa and Nadhiva Nur A. won the 1st place at the national level Public Poster Competition in the Indonesian Medica Student Training and Competition (IMSTC) event held by the Asian Medical Students Association (AMSA) Indonesia (9/2).

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The Contested Poster. (Photo: Special)


Indonesia has for about 128 mountains from Sabang to Merauke. Around 5 million people live nearby. The beauty of the nature makes many people interested in climbing the Mountains. For just one mountain, it can reach tens of thousands of visitors each year. "Hypothermia is one of the risk that often threatens the mountain hikers. Therefore, they have to know how to prevent hypothermia," Bagas explained after his victory.

IMSTC itself is an annual AMSA Indonesia event where Brawijaya University was chosen to be the host in the third year of the event. The event with the theme of Trauma Care with Comprehensive Solution contains a series of training or lectures on the making of scientific papers and public posters and 5 branches of competition, namely public posters, scientific posters, videography, photography, and scientific papers. (joh)



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