UMM Students Brought the Issue of Gadget Addiction to Turkey

Author : Humas | Tuesday, February 11, 2020 15:52 WIB
UMM Student Group Taking a Photo with Dr. H.M. Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, MA, Deputy for Youth Development at the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia at the Istanbul Youth Summit (IYL) Turkey (Photo: Special)

Gadget addiction that are symptomatic among children is of particular concern to a number of students of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). They specifically formulated social projects to reduce the negative impact of excessive use of devices. They brought this social project to Turkey to get input from experts who would continue to be applied in Indonesia. This social project was named by "Disconnected to Connected".

They were Nandiroh from Government Science Department, Faura Dea Ayu Pinasti from Biology Education Department, Alia Rizka Mansyur and Isyfa Zahrotul Mufidah from International Relations Department (HI), which represented the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) at the Istanbul Youth Summit (IYS) 2020 event in Turkey. The three of them along with a number of students from other Indonesian universities joined in a group to go to Turkey on January 27-30.

"Based on this, we initiated to create an activity in the form of a 'No Gadget Day' campaign specifically for children aged 1-12 years and their parents. This campaign was created to minimize the activities of children who are busy with their gadgets. The lack of parents' attention to their children is also one of the main factors that influence a child's tendency towards gadgets, "said Nandiroh, one of the group members, Tuesday (11/2).

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Parents often let their children play the gadget without supervision, which made the children difficult to talk to and often got angry when the device was taken. "This social project emphasizes educational activities towards parents about smart ways to educate children in the millennial era accompanied by children's play activities using traditional games," Nandiroh said. The concept of this social project which was brought and given input by experts in Turkey.

The Tangerang city became the first target area that they would use to carry out the "No Gadget Day" campaign. The plan would be held on July 26, 2020, at Alam Sutera Car Free Day. Tangerang city was chosen because the city was named the Child-Friendly City (Kota Layak Anak or KLA) Pratama 2018 which was held by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) so that it could become an initial example in conducting this campaign.

The activity was Fun Playing Together (Asmara). Asmara was a play activity with children using traditional games such as congklak, stilts, marbles, karetan, tops and other fun traditional games without using tools. Asmara's activities were also accompanied by an agenda to sing along with traditional songs and played traditional music. "A children's reading book can also be held," he explained.

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There was also Parent Education (Edora). Edora was an activity that is specifically for parents. In this case, they also invited parents who attended the No Gadget Day campaign agenda. "Because not only children need to be educated but parents also need to gain knowledge on how to educate children smartly in the millennial era. Also provided a place for parents to do counselling on the problem of educating children, "he explained.

The last is Let's Throw Trash (Marimas) Activity. Not only preserving culture, but we also strived to educate children to preserve the environment to participate in taking out the trash in its place and helped ease the work of cleaning staff in cleaning up trash in the environment. "We will present these various activities to enliven the agenda on National Children's Day on July 23, 2020," said Nandiroh. (win)



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