Muhammadiyah Central Leadership: Progress Islam Had to Be Universal Islam

Author : Humas | Saturday, February 08, 2020 14:21 WIB
Chairman of the Central Executive Board (PP) of Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Syafiq A. Mughni, M.A. Ph.D. (Photo: Rino / PR)

Seeing the development of Muhammadiyah which had become an international phenomenon, thoughts about progressing Islam should not only become locality. Not became Indonesian Islam, not became Javanese Islam, not became Southeast Asian Islam but Islam was universal, Islam that was very suitable to be internationalized.

At least, that was conveyed by the Chairman of the Central Leadership (PP) Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Syafiq A. Mughni, M.A. Ph.D., in an opportunity to give a speech at the Seminar of Muhammadiyah Pre-Conference 2020 held by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Saturday (8/2) in the Hall of the Gedung Kuliah Bersama IV.

The hope, the thoughts of Muhammadiyah can be enjoyed, can be appreciated and developed by the international community. Discussing this, said Syafiq, as a process of realizing ideals so that Muhammadiyah had a positive impact on the development of Islamic thought and religious practices for the international community.

Read also: UMM Rector Opened the Seminar of Muhammadiyah Pre-Conference 2020

Specifically, the seminar of Muhammadiyah pre-conference at UMM discussed Progress Islam because Progressing Islam itself had become a motto of the Islamic colour developed by the Muhammadiyah Association. These signs of thought had even existed since the establishment of the Association until today.

"In various experiences, Muhammadiyah is the only socio-religious organization that can precisely formulate the relationship between religion and the state with Darul Ahdi wa Syahadah theory because it can be a guide for Muhammadiyah residents, "said Syafiq in front of the hundreds of participants who attended.

We wanted to have the same documents that were born from the Conference. Syafiq hoped that UMM could become the core of the team to be able to formulate a theory from Progressing Islam, which was later ratified in the Conference. "The human resources from UMM are more than enough to be able to formulate something the community has been waiting for," he said.

Read also: Message Malik Fadjar for Muhammadiyah Congress 2020

This seminar presented a number of speakers which were Prof. Dr. Syafiq A. Mughni, M.A., Prof. Dr. H. M. Amin Abdullah, Dr. Hamim Ilyas, M.A., Prof. Dr. Masdar Hilmy, S.Ag., Dr. Siti Ruhaini Dzhuhayatin, M.A., and Dr. Pradana Boy Z. T. F., S.Ag., M.A. The results of the seminar would soon be formulated by the Muhammadiyah Central Executive.

On the other hand, said Syafiq, there were at least 22 Pre-Conference seminars held at the Muhammadiyah University in various regions. "This is a crucial moment that very determines for the Muhammadiyah Association. Then, there must be thoughts that are developed, "said Syafiq. (win)



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