UMM Rector Opened the Seminar of Muhammadiyah Pre-Conference 2020

Author : Humas | Saturday, February 08, 2020 11:34 WIB
Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. (Photo: Rino/PR)

Ahead of the holding of the Muhammadiyah Conference 48th July 1-5, 2020 in Surakarta, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Seminar of Muhammadiyah Pre-Conference 2020, Saturday (8/2) morning. This one-day event carried the theme, "Progress Islam: Manhaj, Implementation and Internationalization".

UMM Rector, Dr Fauzan, M.Pd. specifically advised that the holding of this pre-conference seminar was used as a momentum for contemplation and to refresh the Muhammadiyah movement at the age of 108 years. This was in line with the spirit of Muhammadiyah, the tajdid movement or renewal.

"Refreshing Muhammadiyah's journey becomes important because after all, Muhammadiyah is already big. Then, the logical consequence of that must be followed by a large mind-set. Do not happen weakening movement in the congregation, "he said in a speech at Hall GKB IV Campus III UMM.

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Therefore, this good moment should be used as a momentum to reconstruct the ways of charity, how to guard, and how to become a member of our Muhammadiyah. "Moreover, those who are present on this occasion are millennial, your contribution is great hope for Muhammadiyah," continued Fauzan.

Is it the same Muhammadiyah in previous years with present and future years? Meanwhile, the dynamics of our social, economic, political, and religious life were always dynamic. "Of course that question cannot be answered with a mediocre mindset," Fauzan said.

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Fauzan then stated that the theme chosen in this seminar was very interesting. "This theme may be a dream but we must also be fully aware that at present, an inclusive approach in moving Muhammadiyah is the key to achieving that goal, "he said in front of hundreds of seminar participants.

This seminar presented a number of speakers which were Prof. Dr. Syafiq A. Mughni, M.A., Prof. Dr. H. M. Amin Abdullah, Dr. Hamim Ilyas, M.A., Prof. Dr. Masdar Hilmy, S.Ag., Dr. Siti Ruhaini Dzhuhayatin, M.A., and Dr. Pradana Boy Z. T. F., S.Ag., M.A. The results of the seminar would be formulated by the Muhammadiyah Central Executive. (win)



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