Sophia Mega Invites Millennial Generation to Recognize Your Potential

Author : Humas | Sunday, December 01, 2019 12:22 WIB
Sophia Mega Sabila. (Photo: Mirza/PR UMM)

Being an influencer, YouTuber or social media admins might become a popular profession in the digital age. It is because some professions that utilize this digital platform do not need to worry about the pressure and bound hours of work. Millennials, like Sophia Mega Sabila, are perhaps one of the most persevering young people who are able to take advantage of a variety of sophisticated digital platforms such as video blogs (Vlogs), Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube to carry out their professions plus hobbies.

The best graduate students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is known as a famous influencer. Mega, her nickname, has a number of special channels to speak up about her anxiety, interests and learning outcomes while studying at the UMM Communication Studies Program. Today, Saturday (11/30), Mega sits in a row of special chairs along with other best graduates with a cumulative index (GPA) of 3.85.

Besides being active in the digital world, she is also active as an activist of the non-online literacy movement. It started with her understanding on choosing and sorting knowledge books. However, since Mega has been active as a Booktuber (a book reviewer channel on Youtube), she has often met people who are fond of reading and reviewing books. "They are the ones who tell me which books are recommended for reading and which are not," she said.

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Mega actively writes on several media platforms, especially books compilation. Early in 2019 she published her book with the title "You Know Who I am: Building Personal Branding through Social Media Without being a Selebgram". Mega invites everyone to know themselves. "The latest phenomenon, many students don't know what they have to do after graduated," she explained. In fact, this @personadiriadmin said thateveryone can actually find their own potency.

In addition, this 159-page book also explains social media not about how many followers or being a selebgram. Despite the fact that the desire in having more follower sometimes appear. However, there are other alternatives in using social media, namely creating personal branding that benefits our lives. By being aware of this, we can be ourselves without being sued for being someone else.

Mega said that she felt more comfortable doing activities outside, such as creating her own media, joining events or looking for work experiences. When asked about how to balance off-campus activities and academic obligations, she can get around by doing a variety of campus assignment obligations well. "Plus she is actively expanding her horizons and reading a lot of books not related to the required reading material in class," said the alumni of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Malang.

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According to the founder of the site, when choosing to be active off campus requires good consistency. "Being carried out with intention, often children who have many activities outside negate their studies," she said. In fact, she continued, studying at university costs a lot. In addition, through studying, it can be access to expand our network to the new sciences. The point is according to Mega, college must be intended in order to prepare the provision of life in the future.

Mega is indeed one of the outstanding students belonging to the UMM Communication Studies Program. She won first place in various national public relations competitions. One of them was in October 2017, the Marketing Public Relations competition which was held at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN). "From the beginning when I went to college, I have decided that my place is not on campus," said the daughter of Syamsul Arifin and Nur Hasanah. (joh)



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