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Hutri Agustino, S.Sos., M.Si. (Picture: Mirza/PR) |
The raid on the book which is considered to be propagating Communist ideology in Kediri, East Java has attracted many responses from various circles especially from intellectuals. Raids carried out by the Military District Command (Kodim) 0809 Kediri a week ago, confiscated several books including Aidit-style Communism, The Missing Link G 30 S, Who is the Mastermind of G30S and Fog G30S.
FISIP lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Hutri Agustino, S.Sos., M.Sc said, the raid was a joke for academics in the Reformation era like today. "This is the Reformation era, where public information disclosure, the existence of civil society should really be appreciated. So what needs to be put forward is educative and literative sides, "he said, Thursday (1/3).
Education of the community, he continued, can be done through official stages. That way, for the founder of Pondok Sinau Lentera Anak Nusantara, the development of literacy in Indonesia certainly must be accompanied by the freedom of the people to have books. "How do the people know that the Communists are dangerous if knowledge of the Communists is kept in coffins (covered up, red)," he said.
On the other hand, he continued, the state also needed to be fair in protecting the country from understandings that endangered the Pancasila ideology. "Why are only Communist ideologies and radicals echoed dangerously? Why not with Capitalism too? Do not let Indonesia like has two enemies (Communists and Radicals, red.) Whereas the other one breezes, "he said
The symbol of culture at the time of President Soeharto at that time was not permitted to be displayed before the public, because it was considered Chinese Ethnicity was definitely Communist. If only referring to the symbol, he said, capitalism that was tangible in some big products that dominated the Indonesian market also needed attention. Thus Hutri stressed the importance of the Government being fair.
In the future, Hutri hoped that there were clear and concrete regulations related to the ideological prohibition model that contradicted with the Pancasila ideology. "If it is a book, it needs to be explained what it looks like and others (assessment variables, red.)," Said Hutri. So that people were not easy to judge. Also, someone's behaviour that labelled should also be minimized.
Hutri shared his experience during the National Library (Perpusnas) socialization at Malang Regency Hall. He ever asked about the status of circulation of books with Communist ideology. The National Library of Indonesia explained that books contained Communist understanding received special treatment. But for him, called the National Library, it has not been explained concretely.
The head of the Gerakan Permasyarakatan Minat Baca (GPMB) also hoped that the literacy movement needs serious support from the state. According to him, closing the sources of literacy was not the right action. "Of course, in the future, there must be massive education to the grass root level Like any ideological socialization that contradicts the Pancasila, "he said.(Win)