Three Perspectives about Indonesia Progress according to Muhammadiyah

Author : Humas | Monday, August 12, 2019 10:47 WIB
Pilgrims throughout Malang filled the UMM Helipad during the Eid al-Adha Prayer 1440H (Photo: Rino / PR)

In order to explain Islamic society in the context of contemporary Indonesia, Muhammadiyah formulated the concept of Indonesia Progress as Muhammadiyah's contribution to the concept of Indonesia in the future. Indonesia Progress was interpreted as the main country or Al Madinatul Fadhillah or a prosperous and civilized country and a prosperous country.

That was the main message that was delivered by the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Secretary Dr. H. Agung Danarto, M. Ag. in the occasion to be a preacher for the Eid al-Adha prayer in the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Helipad field, Sunday (10/8) morning. Attended by thousands of worshipers from all over Malang Raya. Prayers also took place solemnly.

Therefore, a Progressing State, continued Agung, was a state that encouraged the creation of treatise and respect functions supported by intelligent HR, personal, and noble human resources. Hence, developing countries must be able to uphold sovereignty.

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"Both in the field of territory, politics, law, economy and culture; it can bring prosperity; fulfilment of clothing, food and shelter; realize material and spiritual life; guarantee freedom of thought, expression and religion; respect human rights, and; create security and guarantees the future, "he said.

First, in a progressive Indonesian political perspective was a democratic state imbued with wisdom in representative deliberations, based on fair law and upholds the values of civilization. Democracy in the progress of national life must be highly ethical based on the values of God, humanity, unity, deliberation, and justice.

"This democratic political ethics is demonstrated in a system of actions that promotes honest, peaceful, knightly and respectful behaviour. And it also rejects anarchist actions, practices that justify all means, violence and fraud," said the preacher who was also a lecturer at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

The second was an economic perspective. Continued by the man born in Kulonprogo, January 24, 1968, Indonesia Progress was characterized by the creation of a science-based economic system that was sovereign, fair, and sustainable with the balance of the potential utilization of land, sea and air. "Progressing Indonesia must be sovereign economically," he said.

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This was related to efforts to create distributive justice for citizens in order to gain access and ownership and management of economic resources, provide a source of living and employment for all decent Indonesians.

The economic development paradigm adopted and implemented was an economic system that strived for justice and national sovereignty and at the same time able to bring prosperity to all citizens.

Meanwhile, in the third perspective or socio-cultural perspective, Indonesia Progress was marked by the development of a national culture which was the culmination of regional culture and opened to new cultures that were in line with the nation's personality.

"To be able to realize the concept of Progress Indonesia, which was a contemporary interpretation of Indonesia on the concept of baldatun thoyibatun warabbun ghafur was needed a strong commitment from all citizens," said Agung.

Indonesia Progress was our goal as the realization of the task of humanity as the servants and servants of God on earth. "It is our duty with the Indonesian people, especially Muslims, to realize it," said Agung.

Meanwhile, related to the supply of sacrificial animals, UMM had prepared 7 cows and 13 goats. This sacrificial animal was distributed to several points such as in the mission area of UMM in South Malang and a number of points in the placement of students of the Community Service Program. In addition, it was distributed to the surrounding community of Campus III UMM.

White Campus conducted Eid al-Adha prayers in two different places. Eid Al-Adha Prayer at Campus III UMM Jalan Tlogomas was led by Ustadz Anry Oktapiansyah, S.Sy. While on Campus II of UMM, Jalan Bendungan Sutami which acted as a preacher was Azhar Muttaqin, M.Ag, while the priest was Ustadz Wahyu Hidayat. (Win)



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