Robotics Team UMM Competing in America Again

Author : Humas | Monday, April 08, 2019 15:14 WIB
UMM Robotic Team taking a photo with UMM Rector Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. after the launching. (Photo/Zaki) 

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Robotics Team will compete in an international competition on 13-15 April 2019 at Trinity College Hartford Connecticut, USA. UMM represent Indonesia after being the national champions based on the letter of assignment from Directorate General of Belmawa Kemenristekdikti of the Republic of Indonesia number T/274/B3.1/KM/02.04/2019.

Not just it, UMM launched their three ace teams in the competition that they won last 2017. It is Zhafarul (4 legged robots), Dome_Ina (6 legged robots), and MuForina (wheeled robot). Each robot needs 4 months for the making process, started with the assembly process until ready to compete in this word-class prestigious robot contest.

This Trinity College Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest (TCFFHRC) titled International robotics competition plays 2 types of the category, which are a legged robot and wheeled robot. By bringing the defending champion title, UMM robotics team is optimistic in getting the best result in this international firefighting robot competition. Specifically, by carrying several flagship technologies and newest innovation.

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UMM Rector Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. (holding mic) give his support to his students before the departure to America. (Photo: Zaki/Humas)


In 2017, two UMM teams got the 1st and 2nd place for the legged robot category. Those are InaMuh Team as the 1st champion and Unmmuh Malang Team as the 2nd champion. Besides, InaMuh team got the champion of the best poster. Therefore, they are optimistic in winning the upcoming event, it is indeed after several technology adaptations and new innovation.

This contest will be attended by 32 teams from various countries, such as Israel, China, and many more. They are Alfan Achmadillah Fauzi, Rohmansyah, Ken Dedes Maria Khunty whom from the Electrical Engineering Department. Not just that, they are helped by the member of WS robotics who plays a role in working on the mechanic, hardware provider, algorithm, until examining the robot performance.

Every robot has fast firefighting mission at a certain point of a space or room which similar to a house. The fire spotted placed randomly by the jury so that the robot is required to find the fire spot. After extinguishing the fire, the robot is required to go back to the starting point. The fastest robot will be the winner.

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 “The robot that has succeeded in extinguishing the fire can go to the next level. In this level, not just extinguishing the fire, the robot is required to save a doll and move it to the save zone,” Alfan explained as Electronic Engineering Department Student 2015 and the leader of the team. Alfan is confident that his team will be a success like their seniors earlier.

UMM Rector Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. said in his speech at the launching that he will free them from thesis if they win the competition. Fauzan said to the delegations and the students in the launching to stop being an audience. Otherwise, be the performer. “I didn’t target the first place, but I just want the best from the team,” he said.

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The other two teams led by Bayu Irawan Nugroho an Electronic Engineering Students and Dwi Nur Fajar a Technical Information Students will also be in action in the Indonesia Robotics Contest (KRI) Regional IV on 21-23 April 2019 at Mataram Universities, West Nusa Tenggara. These groups will compete by using 2 kinds of robots, which are firefighting robot (DOME), and three football robots (Zhafarul).

There are requirements for football robots in this competition which must be fulfilled. There are detecting an object, dribbling, shooting, and localization. The detecting object is needed to differentiate the ball, opponent, line, and goal. The robot will be declared as the winner when they shoot more goals. (joh)



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