Education becomes the pillar of someone’s future. Bridges for many dreams. Those who work in education are like a hero who helps the children in this nation to reach millions of dreams.
Realizing this thing, at every National Education Day commemoration on May 2, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) gave a special appreciation for education fighters, both lecturers and employees in their internal environment.
For the dedication and the best work created, this year, there are 9 award-winning lecturers and employees. For the Achieving Lecturers, the first place is Dr. Ihyaul Ulum, S.E., M.Sc., A.K., C.A. The second place is Dr. Widayat, S.E., M.M. and the third place is Risa H., S.Kep., NS., M.SM.
Meanwhile, the award for the Achieving Employees are gotten by Sukam, S.T. as a Rank I, Dewi Sulistyowati, S.T. as Rank II and Arianto, S.P. as Rank III. Not only completing tasks loyalty, but they have also sincerely given their best in completing their work.
Are you curious about the story of Ihyaul Ulum, Sukam, and Suwignyo? Here's the full narrative.
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In addition, on the same occasion, special awards are also given to lecturers in four categories. They are the owner of the most Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Prof. Ishomudin, the publication of textbooks and motivator of student writer Nurudin, M.Si, renewable energy developer Ir. Wignyo, M.T., and an inspiration and motivator for creative and innovative works of students Jamroji, M.Sc.