Winekram Art Space Became the Art Maintenance Headquarters and The New Culture of Batu City
Author : Humas | Monday, January 06, 2020 09:44 WIB
Winekram Art Space launching thanksgiving event. (Photo: Rizki / PR) |
Practicum Group of Indonesian Language and Literature Department University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) successfully held the Obah Nggedruk Bumi festival. This collaborative project was as the launching of Winekram Art Space, an art centre owned by a cultural practitioner of Batu City Winarto Ekram. This studio predicted to become a place of maintenance and gathering of artists from Malang and also outside the region to strengthen the nation's identity through culture. The holding of Obah Nggedruk Bumi Festival, Friday (3/1) was as the establishment of this art centre.
The Obah Nggedruk Bumi Festival was a dance and cultural performance festival, where Adhigana Production was a practicum group of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) as the activator. This art and culture event was an implementation of the task of Productive Language Skills courses that were taught by M. Isnaini, M.Pd.
This art centre was located in the Nggopit RT 12 RW 03 Mojorejo Hamlet, Pendem Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. "This is an event to start a place called Obah Nggedruk Bumi. This place is an art program space that is expected to have art events going forward because events like this are interesting for the development of existing art, "said Winarto Ekram.
The activity that performed cross-regional art and culture involved various artists from various cities, including from Indramayu, Solo, Jombang, Lumajang, Surabaya, and from several other cities. Not only in the form of art performances, but there were also dance workshops from the Jakarta Art Institute (IKJ), to dance parades in East Java. The event was closed with an art performance.
"The purpose of this festival is to open a place for visiting, open land, open space for artistic performances. Furthermore, the development is for cultural tourism around Pendem. Activities that will be held in the form of festivals are not only dance, there is theatre, music, but also the tendency is indeed more traditional and also contemporary, "Winarto continued.
"We hope that this studio can be a place for cultural gatherings and cultural workshops and everything about art. With this kind of activity and collaboration, it could be our first step in learning and adding new knowledge to support UMM Indonesian Language and Literature Education graduates, "explained Nirwana Chendra Kasih as the chief organizer.
"For the Productive Language Skills courses that concentrate in the field of Event Organizer Management, the role of Indonesian language students is to help, manage the program, Mr. Winarto because this activity is as one of the direct practice activities that they have probably understood so far only a few brief theories about how to manage or EO the event, "said M. Isnaini as Lecturer in charge.
In addition, explained Isnaini, the Indonesian Language Department was very broad in scope, including communication in which the Indonesian language was used in a linguistic scope. This practice was an implementation of how to communicate, negotiate and other language skills so that the form was to make an event.
"Sometimes in organising the event, there are many things that we do not understand, and sometimes it is the key to organizing the event. That is the technicality of the students, so it must be done by direct practice," said Isnani. (win)