Stabbed 5 People at Railway Station, Japanese Men Arrested

Author : Administrator | Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:10 WIB
Ilustrasi Penusukan

Tokyo, An unidentified man spreads terror Hakata station, Japan. Unknown cause, man stabbed five people at random at the station.

The incident occurred at the train station Hakata, Fukuoka city, this morning. The fifth victim of the stabbing was, all the male sex, was rushed to a local hospital. Fortunately, the injuries sustained are not so dangerous.

When he saw the incident, one of a pedestrian who happened to pass at the site, immediately report to the local authorities. Similarly, as reported by Kyodo news agency and reported by AFP on Saturday (20/10/2012).

Police who jumped into the location successfully arrested a man believed to be the perpetrator. According to police, the man continued to utter the sentence suspicious.

"I want to stab people," the words of the man was quoted as saying by Kyodo.

Despite having a low crime rate, but it is known that such reckless action is not the first time this has happened in Japan. In 2008, Tokyo residents were shocked by the action of a man armed with a knife, killing 7 people.

Tomohito man named Kato (29) was eventually sentenced to death by a local court. This man was convicted for smashing the truck to the crowd of people who are belanjar Akihabara district, before he stabbed a pedestrian near him brutally.

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