Mass of Hercules and Police Disband the Demonstrators who Occupy Toll

Author : Administrator | Friday, December 14, 2012 10:53 WIB
Massa Gerakan Rakyat Indonesia Baru pimpinan Hercules membantu polisi membuka tol dalam kota.

VIVAnews – Indonesia New People's Mass Movement (grib) led Hercules to help police disperse protesters Unity Village The Village Alliance Indonesia and Indonesia who occupied the city in front of the toll in the complex DPR / MPR, Jalan Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta.

Dozens of men were dressed in camouflage Hercules and red helmets that had been at the scene of demonstrations since early morning, before the demonstrations began. They seemed to be on guard and watching rallies thousands kades it.

Furthermore, when protesters occupied the toll in the city and close it, police ask for help Hercules and his men to persuade the protesters to open the toll again. Then under the direction of mass grib Hercules began dispel demonstrators to disband themselves from motorway and into the Kompeks Parliament alone.

Based on the observation VIVAnews, to date came a shout from curve-elukkan Hercules at the demonstration site. "Life Hercules ... Hercules live, "said demonstrator. The protesters who were sitting on the highway in the town had to obey the call of Hercules and his men to stay away from toll roads to the arterial segment.

Cooperation between the mass and the Hercules police had managed to open the toll in the city. Vehicles are now starting to move and the current toll of Cawang towards Slipi unraveled bit by bit.

Grib mass which is underbouw Gerindra admitted coming to the demonstration site to support the rally. But because police said the action was causing congestion so troubling a lot of people, the mass of any grib help police curb the demonstrations.

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