At UMM, Hundreds of Elementary School Students were graduated

Author : Humas | Friday, May 03, 2019 16:53 WIB
UMM Rector graduated hundreds of elementary students. (Photo: Mirza / PR)

At the momentum of National Education Day which is commemorated every May 2, Thursday (2/5), the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) again held Kids on Campus. This short lecture for elementary school students in Malang was held for the second time.

Five hundreds of elementary school students visited at Campus III UMM to look around student product stands, including the Genetro Suryo electric car, and several UMM student activity units (UKM) while exhibiting a variety of innovative products.

Students who have been divided into several groups also take turned visiting a number of laboratories at UMM to learn directly, know, learn, and practice some material with the teaching staff to the professors.

The implementation routes included Puspa Iptek, Biology Laboratory, Pusbang Biotek, Animal Husbandry Laboratory, Fisheries Laboratory, Bread Production Unit, PLTMH, Drama Laboratory, Robotic Laboratory, and Communication Science Laboratory.

Acting on campus, said event coordinator Faizin, M.Pd, can increase students' curiosity in knowledge and science. One of them was the UMM Robotics team which had won an international contest in the United States that participated in this event.

After taking a brief "lecture", these students received a diploma and the Gordon which was a symbol of the completion of the process of education in college. They officially hold the status of "bachelor". UMM Rector Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. immediately confirmed hundreds of students at the graduation ceremony.

"Starting from an early age, students have been given an insight into the importance of respecting others through character education. Students are also given competencies that are in accordance with their inner potential, instilled respect each other, and are accustomed to being sportive," said Fauzan.

Read also:UMM Sociology Became the Coordinator of ISI Malang

This thing, continued Fauzan, was a long-term investment so that education was not just discussing the intelligence of the mind through value, but education also changed the emotional and spiritual children in order to grow into a good personality.

Kurniawan Muhammad, Director of Radar Malang in his speech said that he had not found a campus in Indonesia to make a breakthrough like UMM. This was a campus that can be used as an example for other universities to contribute to the world of education with more attractive methods.

This also gave an obsession for students to be able to take the highest education, up to college. "Through the activities followed by various elementary school backgrounds, our children are taught early to recognize diversity and kebhinekaan," said Kurniawan in his speech. (Win)



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