Director-General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti): World Progress is Determine by Innovation

Author : Humas | Thursday, October 22, 2020 15:18 WIB
Following the covid-19 health protocol, the graduation it was held by UMM
. (Photo: Istimewa) 

INDONESIA is a country with middle to upper middle income desperately needs bachelors and university graduates who not only carry a degree but have strong competence, have a spirit of superior professionalism, as well as have noble morals. This was conveyed by the Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. when giving a scientific oration at the 97th Period III Graduation Ceremony of 2020, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Thursday (22/10).

"If you look at the workforce in Indonesia today, more than 50% have just graduated from SD and SMP, while those who have graduated from higher education are still below 10%. Remember, that is a big challenge for all of us. So all of you scholars are a small part of the workforce in Indonesia who are expected to be the main drivers of economic progress, social progress, culture, and social welfare, "said Nizam at the UMM graduation at the UMM Dome Hall.

If compared with neighboring countries, said Nizam, in this country, the average workforce is already above 35% who are thoroughly educated. At this time, Indonesia is entering what is known as the demographic dividend, where the complement is primarily children and the elderly.

Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (Foto: Humas)

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"However, the demographic dividend does not produce progress, even though we have also seen it in its history. Start from seeing the real one, namely Japan. In the 70s its demographic bonus succeeded in making Japan the tiger of Asia. But then in the 90s until now, Japan began to experience or enter an aging society or the Aging Society,” said Nizam virtually.

Then, followed by South Korea, which in the 90s entered its demographic bonus and became the new economic powerhouse in Asia. These coincided with the demographic dividend experienced by South Korea in the 1990-2000s. So it is not surprising that during these years Korea grew very rapidly and even in many competitions it could beat Japan. Samsung, for example, outperformed Sony in mobile products and other electronic products.

Likewise, China in the late 2000s began to enter its demographic bonus. And if you look at it, China is now a world giant in the economy. That coincides with the demographic bonus experienced by China in the 2010s until now. However, currently, China is also experiencing an Aging Society, while Indonesia is entering the demographic dividend.

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"Of course, we shouldn't waste this opportunity. And you new graduates are part of the demographic bonus with all the potential, with all your creativity, you will all be part of building a more advanced Indonesian economy and building a more prosperous and just society's welfare. And of course, realizing Indonesia Raya that we all aspire to, "said Nizam.

Furthermore, Nizam said, the progress of the world today is determined by innovation. The basis is creativity. Creativity will be born from higher education when the graduates have an independent spirit. Have the passion to continues to be creative and develop their technological knowledge, develop the science of technology, as well as to devote the practical application to the progress of the nation and country.

"I am sure all of you with provisions from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, all of you have got sufficient knowledge in terms of competence and from a moral perspective. It's just how you use the stock earlier to build your future, "said Nizam. (apg)



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