Wear Thongs to MA, Sarmidi Prohibit his Father Find Justice

Author : Administrator | Friday, December 14, 2012 10:57 WIB
Kasdi dan keluarganya mencari keadilan (VIVAnews/Puspita)

VIVAnews - Sarmidi (24) youth from the village of Hamlet Babadan, District Sayung, Demak regency, Central Java, accused of being a bookie and drug dealers. Now he languished in prison Kedungpane Semarang.

In block C LP Kedungpane Semarang, Sarmidi put together with three other prisoners. Five years in prison verdict was pretty hard for him, especially he was never drug trafficking crime as charged. Efforts father, mother and younger siblings seek justice for himself even once rejected Sarmidi.

"He forbade us, he's sorry for us, will seek justice for his money runs out," said Kasdi, Sarmidi father.

As the backbone of the family know the true financial condition Sarmidi father. Moreover, the last few years she has been exposed to disease causing blindness, making his family suffer even more.

Sarmidi not know if the house is the only treasure his family is sold to pay the legal process that was happened. Sarmidi brothers now drop out of school because there was no charge.

Wounds on the body Sarmidi allegedly being tortured police had not gone. But his inner wounds will never heal, before he is free and able to return to work to help his father, mother and younger siblings.

"He just wants to be free, and work longer to pay for the life of our family," added Kasdi Sarmidi mimicking words. Before arrested by police, Sarmidi working in a factory at Demak Timber.

Sarmidi admitted framed on drug possession by a friend named Afianto, a policeman in Semarang. Sarmidi arrested on December 12, 2011 and was sentenced by the District Court on drug Semarang, according Kasdi, does not belong to her.

Kasdi went to the Supreme Court for appeal for Sarmidi on charges of drug possession. Kasdi unfortunate fate. After selling bicycle and chickens to buy train tickets economics of Demak to Jakarta, he and his family were not allowed to enter the building by security guards MA.

The reason, Kasdi not wear shoes and shirts. Kasdi a walking distance from the station Pasar Senen to the MA building was indeed wearing only flip-flops.

من المقطوع: http://nasional.news.viva.co.id


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