UMM Students Detect Air Quality in Malang City with Their Own Tool

Author : Humas | Friday, July 21, 2023 10:41 WIB | -

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A number of students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang on their campus.


A number of students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang on their campus.

MALANG, KOMPAS - Students from Muhammadiyah University Malang (UMM) have created an air quality detection tool. The accuracy level of the tool is claimed to reach 90 percent and has been tested at several points in Malang city, East Java.

The air quality detector was made by students of Electrical Engineering at Muhammadiyah University. Taris Fakhran Hawarai, coordinator of the team, said that this air quality measurement tool uses fuzzy logic programming as a decision maker. That way, the tool can give a decision whether the air is good or not.

The tool, according to Taris, is capable of delivering real-time notifications to computers and cellphones via applications and e-mail. In fact, the tool is capable of measuring real-time levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonium, temperature and humidity.

An air quality detector made by UMM students.


An air quality detector made by UMM students.

"Air is very important for living things. Good air quality will definitely have a significant impact on the health of living things in a healthy condition. Conversely, poor air quality will also affect the health of all of us," Taris said.

According to him, there are at least 27 fuzzy rules that will later process the sensor on the detector. “From there we can detect the levels of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and ammonium present at the site. Followed by making decisions regarding the existing air quality index, ranging from good, moderate, to bad. Then the tool also provides notifications on the Blink application on cellphones and computers and also sends messages via e-mail," he explained.

The tool has been tested in various locations in Malang City, including the densely populated area of ​​Jl Sigura-Gura. As a result, the accuracy of the tool is in the range of 90 percent. This is measured by comparing the device with existing air detectors. At the same time comparing realtime data on temperature and humidity from the BMKG.

"So far, the error rate is less than 10 percent. Meanwhile, when compared to humidity and temperature data at BMKG, it only has a difference of 5 percent," he added.

University of Muhammadiyah Malang students.


University of Muhammadiyah Malang students.

The important advantage of the UMM student-made tool is that it only requires low power in operation, using 5 volts or lithium batteries to activate it. As for production, according to Taris, it is also quite affordable, around IDR 500,000.

"Later on we will develop this tool by creating a special website that can be freely accessed by the general public. Tool placement points will also be added to expand the range," said Taris.

So far, the error rate is less than 10 percent. Meanwhile, if compared to humidity and temperature data from BMKG, it only has a difference of 5 percent.

The Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program at UMM, Khusnul Hidayat, appreciates the work of the students. According to him, designing products and projects helps students to complete their studies on time. The innovations created can be continued and poured into the form of a thesis, so that students do not have to work on two different and difficult things.

"The development of this technological innovation allows students to directly learn how to design an engineering project. Apart from that, it also encourages timely graduation programs," said Hidayat.

Hidayat added that one of the biggest factors that make electrical engineering students graduate on time is their creativity and innovation.

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