30 Years of KKN UMM, Reach 186 Villages in East Java

Author : Humas | Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:16 WIB

ENTERING the 30th year of the Real Lecture Work (KKN) Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) program, Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Khofifah Indar Parawansa was scheduled to attend UMM for releasing of 5,161 students for 186 KKN villages on Wednesday, July 19.

DPPM UMM Director Prof. Dr. Sujono MKes stated that KKN UMM was started in 1987. This multidisciplinary program which had combined students from various fields of science becomes a responsibility of UMM as a university to promote in developing society, especially rural communities.

In addition to regular KKN, which held twice a year, DPPM UMM also cooperated with various agencies for implementing of thematic KKN. For example, the house development program (rutilahu) by the the Ministry of Social Affairs and joint business group (kube), the blind eradication program by Kemendikbud, Dikti for KKN program of Community Empowerment (PPM), and the Development of Disadvantaged Areas (PDT).

In addition, UMM also participated in National KKN and Muhammadiyah’ KKN. Last year, UMM had sent students to the National KKN program in Gorontalo. Meanwhile, in 2017 UMM would send students to follow Muhammadiyah’s KKN in Palembang.

Currently, UMM become a campus with the most largest range of KKN areas in East Java, namely 186 villages in 18 districts. Sujono hoped through this age of silver, DPPM UMM will continue to develop its outreach villages to develop rural communities. "Many campuses are removing the KKN program, but UMM must continue to implement it. This is the real act of the slogan 'From Muhammadiyah to Nation'. The potential and benefits of KKN are very much for community development," Sujono said.

In addition to the releasing of KKN students, DPPM UMM would also launch the book titled 'Building the Country Through Real Work Lecture'. This book contained all about KKN, such as the profile of villages, work programs, various bases of  KKN implementation such as social, culture, religion, education, economy, entrepreneurship, health and environment, and the successful record of KKN. (Naz)



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