REFLECTING the end of 2015, the Students Activity Unit (UKM) Kerohanian Jamaah AR Fachruddin (K JF) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) will hold the Year-End Reflection through the Movement of National Shubuh Congregation Prayer (GSJN) and Islamic Lecture given by the former rectors of Islamic State University (UIN) Malang in period 1997-2013 and the Vice Rector I UMM for period 1983-1996 Prof. Dr. Imam Suprayogo.
This event, which will be held on Thursday (31/12) in AR Fachruddin Mosque, is the second GSJN initiated by UKM-K JF. Previously, in last October, JF held the same event with hashtag theme #MelawanAsap to reflect the smog hovering several areas in Sumatra and Borneo.
The General Chief of UKM-K JF Muhammad Kamal Hafidz informed that in this GSJN, the hashtag theme, #KapanSubuhanDiUMM, is used to invite all the UMM people via Facebook, Instagram and Line to have the Shubuh Congregation Prayer in AR Fachruddin Mosque UMM.
According to Hafidz, the idea emerged from the concern of JF toward the lack of people attending the Shubuh prayer in the Mosque. “This Mosque has the capacity of 4000 persons, but every day it is only attended by less than 20,” he informed.
He also informed that this national movement initiated by the National Gathering of the Institute of Campus Islamic Teaching Forum (FSLDKN) will be held monthly. Moreover, he added, the GSJN is the right momment to unify all the elements to build Indonesia through campus mosque. “From campus mosque for Indonesia ti rise,” he exclaimed.
Besides in UMM, the GSJN will be simultaneously held in all the Mosques of big universities in Indonesia, such as Salman Mosque of ITB (Bandung), Nurul Huda Mosque in UNS (Surakarta), Campus Mosque of UNDIP (Semarang) Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque of UI (Depok), Al Hurriyah Mosque of IPB (Bogor), Manarul Ilmi Mosque of ITS (Surabaya), Darussalam Mosque of IAIN (Palangkaraya), Raden Fatah Mosque of UB (Malang), Al Muhtadin Mosque of UNTAN (Pontianak), Al Wasii Mosque of UNILA (Lampung), Kopelma Darussalam Mosque of UNSYIAH (Banda Aceh), Ulul Albab Mosque of UNNES (Semarang), and many more.
“During your time in UMM, have you ever attended Shubuh Prayer in AR Fachruddin?” asked the Public Relation coordinator of the event, Ade Chandra Sutrisna. (han/t_far).