UMM Biology Education Alumnus Succeeds as Orchid Entrepreneur with Over 50 Million Rupiah in Revenue

Author : Humas | Tuesday, August 20, 2024 09:49 WIB
Nandia Anindhita, UMM Biology Education Alumna and Successful Orchid Cultivator Entrepreneur (Photo: Special)

Nandia Anindhita, an alumna of the Biology Education program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), has proven that strong education and passion can be the foundation for achieving success. She is now recognized as a successful entrepreneur in orchid cultivation, with a monthly turnover reaching 50 million rupiahs. Her business journey began during her sixth semester in 2016.

Nandia, as she is commonly called, revealed that she never initially thought of venturing into the orchid business. However, during an internship at an orchid garden, she saw many opportunities that could be developed. From there, she began learning about orchid cultivation and decided to try her luck. The internship experience opened her eyes to the significant potential of orchids as ornamental plants.

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"Orchids are beautiful ornamental plants and relatively easy to care for. Their selling price tends to be stable, so I believed this business could be profitable. With the knowledge I gained from UMM, I felt more confident in starting this business," she explained.

Initially, Nandia started marketing her orchids through social media, particularly Facebook. After posting a few orchids she owned, the response was very positive. Many people were interested and wanted to buy them, and from there, her business began to grow.

The success of marketing through social media encouraged Nandia to expand her business further. She now owns three greenhouses located in strategic locations, which are Tulungagung, Malang, and Batu. "By having several greenhouses in different locations, I can meet the increasing market demand," she said.

In addition to direct sales, Nandia has also built a network of resellers in various regions, so her orchids now receive orders from all over Indonesia. However, she is still striving to penetrate the international market, although the process is quite challenging. She also collaborates with orchid farmer partners to ensure her orchid supply is always available.

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"Collaboration with orchid farmers greatly helps me in maintaining product quality and quantity. We support each other to develop this business," she added.

As a graduate of UMM's Biology Education program, Nandia feels proud that the knowledge she gained has greatly supported her in running the business. The knowledge of botany, ecology, and plant management she learned at the university is directly applied to the orchid cultivation she pursues. She also emphasized that the spirit of continuous learning and innovation is the key to her business success.

"In the business world, we must always be ready to adapt and look for new opportunities. Never be afraid to try new things," she advised. (Ri/Faq/Fajr)



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