The development of informatics technology and communication has been leading human soul into emptiness. The appreciation of prophetic values through Indonesian literatures and Bahasa Indonesia is believed able to fill that emptiness. This was revealed in the event of International Seminar of Language and Literature of Indonesia held by Bahasa Indonesia Bachelor and Master Program of University of Muhammadyah Malang (UMM) on Tueday-Wednesday, November 17-18 2015.
The theme of the seminar held at UMM Theatre Dome is “Prophetic Values in National Life through Language, Literature and its Education”. The event presents number of speakers such as, a poet Sutardji Calzoum Bachri, a writer Gumira Ajidarma, a litterateur Zawawi Imron, a humanist Prof. Dr. Abdul Hadi, WM, a National University of Singapore (NUS) lecturer Dr. Azhar Ibrahim Alwee, a Malaysian anthropologist Prof. Dr. Wan Zawawi Ibrahim, and a University of Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) lecturer Prof. Dr. Mawar Safei.
According to the Chief of Committee, Dr. Ekarini Saraswati, M.Pd, the prophetic values are one of the alternatives in solving various problems based on prophetic values. “We are sure that prophetic values initiated by a humanist Kuntowijoyo can inspire the development of literature, language, and its education in the schools as the basic of the national character,” said Ekarini, a lecturer of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of UMM.
Ekarini explains that the idea of prophetic has three elements which can be applied in the character building of the students which are humanization, liberation, and transcendence. Humanization means humanizing human over things, dependence, violence, and hatred. Liberation is movement liberating human from colonialism of human dignity. The last, transcendence, should make transcendental-faith as the important part of building civilization.
Azhar Ibrahim Alwee, a NUS lecturer, thought that prophetic awareness can make language and literature can support the marginalized voices. “Prophetic awareness accommodates the voice of justice for those who abused, also to keep us to not get trapped in dehumanization,” he asserted.
Meanwhile, Zawawi Imron, a litterateur, suggest one of the cultural richness of Indonesia, proverbs. Zawawi is sure that proverbs existed in all Indonesian ethnics are the essence in building the national character.
“I really hope that we have to encourage the concerns of the proverbs. Started from the documentation, study, especially for the must-translated proverbs. As the result of our ancestors’ creativity, proverbs has big hand in inspiring the cultural struggle,” Zawawi asserted. (nov/han/t_rfd)