Registration of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) new student candidates through Achievement Line Period I was closed on February 23, 2018. On Friday (2/3), the announcement of Achievement Line was distributed and can be seen in each registrant account.
This year, the number of UMM Achievement Line registrants has increased. In 2017, the total was about 1,400 people. In 2018, there were 1616 registered applicants. After Period I is over, the Period II will be opened on 26 February to 20 April 2018.
Head of Technical Implementation Unit of New Admissions (UPT PMB), Saiman, explained that the distribution of registration period on the achievement line this year has a reason. It was produced to accelerate the acceptance process of each stage.
"When the acceptance process is done faster, it can calm the new student candidate. Before he is graduated, he has been accepted at the university", he said.
In addition to those two periods, there is a new interesting point from the acceptance of new students which is the interview tests conducted online. UMM Rector, Fauzan, confirmed that this is a form of information technology in order the registration process more effective and efficient.
"The online interview test makes new students easy, considering the applicants of new UMM students are not only from East Java but also from all provinces in Indonesia. In addition, this line is running in the effective days to prepare the UN," said Fauzan.
Achievement Line is one of UMM admission options which was opened early in order to obtain superior student to choose UMM as the first and main choice. In addition, it was also opened the Regular Route Period I on March 5 to May 4, Period II May 21 to July 13 and the third Period on July 23 to August 16. (ard)