Mahesa Sadega (bespectacled), film director Nunggu Teka who was also an audiovisual and multimedia teacher. (Photo: Rina / PR) |
#AussieBanget Corner of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) together with the Australian Consulate General (Konjen) team held an Australian Film Night on Wednesday (20/3). This event was also a roadshow for the 2019 Australia Indonesia Cinema (FSAI) Festival which will be held on March 29-31 at CGV Marvell City, Surabaya.
Lailatul Rifah, M.Pd. as the coordinator of #AussieBanget Corner UMM hoped that this activity will become the beginning of cooperation with Australia to develop film. "So that friends can increase awareness better to appreciate Australian production films and the production of our own country," she said.
Present Mahesa Sadega, film director Nunggu Teka who was also an audiovisual and multimedia teacher as a speaker. Festival in Indonesia, he said, with Australia was very different. Explained, Indonesia still lacked awareness to watch festival films. It can be seen from the film festival which only became the consumption of the film community.
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In Australia, continued Mahesa, the community was ready to access the film during the festival month. The public there was very familiar with the film festival which was not a popular film that usually airs in theatres. "The public is ready to attend watching films that have different forms and content from movie theatres," he explained.
"If we look at Indonesia, only young people who come to the festival. When I was in Australia especially when I was watching an Australian-produced film festival, we could meet grandparents in line for festival tickets. "They really appreciate the film production of their country," said Sineas, whose film had participated in many foreign festivals.
Mahesa hoped that in the future in Indonesia there will be more alternative screening screens (screening rooms besides cinemas, ed.) To appreciate Indonesian-produced films. "After that, we need to encourage the public to be part of our festival. So it does not the community which appreciate it, "he added. (Win)