Sharing in “Desaku Menanti (My Village is Waiting)”, UMM Designs Sustainable Development

Author : Humas | Monday, June 12, 2017 12:07 WIB

Ramadan became a perfect moment to share happiness to other people. University of Muhammadiyah Malang conducted a social service activities such as health service and religious service in Margo Utomo village Desaku Menanti Kampung Kesetiakawanan Sosial, Baran village, Tlogowaru Kedung Kandang, Malang city, or the village is also known as “tourism village of 1000 masks” on Monday (12/6). Desaku Menanti is a program conducted by Ministry f Social Republic of Indonesia (Kemensos RI).

Activities undertaken included free medical treatment for all residents, educational games or Edugame for children hosted by the volunteer team of Social Welfare Sciences (IKS) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UMM and Indonesia Safe House (INSAFH), parenting counseling and psychological counseling by the Guidance and Counseling (BK) unit of UMM guided by Nia Paramita, M.Si.

The coordinator of this social services, Zainal Abidin, said "by holding these kind of activities, we hope that there will be a more concrete and continuous effort to increase the capacity of the residents (for parents and children) in the fields of social, economy, education, and religious”

UMM would organize the same activities in the future in order to maximize the emporement of the village. This cooperation would be followed by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) of UMM through a special KKN program and IKS II.

Zainal, who is also a lecturer of IKS UMM, said that "The cooperation can also be done by other relevant faculty. The purpose of this program is that Mask Village (Kampung Topeng) or Desaku Menanti will not be a new social problem in the society. UMM is hoped to give solutions for the ones who have social welfare problems such as homeless people, beggars, street singers, and so on”.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Social Welfare Institution (LKS) Social Service Office of Malang of  Desaku Menanti, Metawati Ikawardani explained that Malang as one of the areas that got mandate to run the pilot project Desaku Menanti Kemensos RI program built 35 houses for 159 people of Social Service of Malang city.

Metawati said, “We do not want them to be back to their old activities again. We strengthen their economy their welfare toward the better, qualified and dignified future, "

The coaching for ex-homeless and beggars will be optima if there is cooperation with other parties. UMM as an educational institution can help from all sides such as providing infrastructure, daily necessities, and also equipment to work.

Metawati continued to say,"Mentoring skills is needed to strengthen the economy. We hope that all family has willingness and ability to change their selves to be better”.

The Rector of UMM, Fauzan stated that UMM will comprehensively take part in conducting the development of this village. He said, "By taking a part to this program, we hope that it will build the independence of people in society. For the next 5 years, we hope that we can see them stand on their own feet”.  (lus)



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