Having Love to Scientific Writing, UMM Student Often Gets 1st Winner of National LKTI
Author : Humas | Thursday, June 28, 2018 15:28 WIB
Samsul Arifin Biology Education Program students were familiar with the achievements of Scientific Writing field since 2014 ago |
His love for the world of writing makes Samsul Arifin, a student of Biology Education Program (Prodi) of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM) reached achievement. For Students from the island of salt Madura, since 2014 ago he has been familiar with the brilliant achievement , especially in the writing of scientific papers.
Last April, Samsul and his team mates participated in the National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) held at State University of Jakarta. "Initially, we just list for fun, try to collect paper," said Samsul on Thursday ( 28/6).
This joke turned out to bring Samsul and his team became the 1st Winner in the event. They managed to excel from four other colleges who chose the same theme of discussion. "So, there are several themes actually, we happen to choose the theme of Development of Learning Media," he explained.
Carrying the conventional concept, Samsul and team just managed to steal the attention of the jury. They are the only finalists who do not make learning models with smart phone systems.
Samsul team presented inquiry media in which students are required to be able to find their own learning materials. They make modules equipped with anatomical preparations of plants. Not unexpectedly, this media had brought Samsul and his team won the Champion.
"At first we are inferior, it seems to want to go home first fit clay competitors," he said.
Previously, Samsul has also participated in various similar competitions. His interest in the writing of scientific papers came from his first university entrance. Seriously with his interest, Samsul joined LKTI for the first time in Universitas Brawijaya in 2014. Unexpectedly, this moment became the first step of his series of achievements in the field of scientific papers.
"The first experience joined alhamdulillah directly elected as the favorite champion," he said proudly.
The euphoria at that time made him more excited to send his writings to various competition. However, he had decided to stop because his writings dd not pass.
"But because many people around me who support to re-write, so I started to make a paper again," he explained.
What is achieved by Samsul become a pride also for Education Prodi Bilogi UMM. Husamah, S.Pd, M.Pd, one of the supervisors said that what has been achieved by their students today is the result of effort between Prodi and students to create superior quality students.
"Of course it is bacause the strong will of the children - if they are spirit, the lecturers are always ready to guide," he said.
In 2017, Samsul also managed to become the 3rd National LKTI champion held at Mulawarman University. Familiar with achievement, he invited friends to continue to work and get achievement. Samsul targeted to be able to re-excel, especially in the wider level.
"In the future, I hope to be able to present in the international arena," he concluded. (ard)