Faculty of Training and Education Broadened the Implementation of Lesson Study with JICA Japan

Author : Humas | Saturday, July 22, 2017 09:19 WIB
The signing MoU of Lesson Study expansion between UMM and JICA.

Faculty of Training and Education (FKIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) collaborated with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) held a workshop entitled Learning Community for Better Future Education on Saturday (22/7). This event was held to continue the implementation of professional education coaching model through collaborative and sustainable learning or Lesson Study.

Previously, Lesson Study has already implemented in Batu. In 2011, it was held at State Senior High School 2 of Batu and Senior High School Muhammadiyah 3 of Batu. The team leader of Lesson Study, Nur Widodo stated that the workshop was attended by elementary school teachers and high school teachers in Batu as an effort to broaden the implantation of Lesson Study.

According to Nur Widodo, this event is a reciprocal effort of the alumni of the Short-term Training Program on Lesson Study (STOLS) given by JICA to the UMM lecturers to deepen the Lesson Study in Japan for 1 month. "This is our commitment as alumni,"

He continued, "Although the source of funding has been stopped, we try to make this program is still run. Until now, we are trying to continue these activities independently, "

The event was not only attended by the candidates who passed the selection and will do the internship in Japan to deepen Lesson Study, but also attended by the representative of Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Madiun (IKIP Madiun), IKIP Kediri, and some lecturers of UMM.

Some of the materials given were Collaborative Learning through Lesson Study delivered by Nur Widodo and "Class Observation" material at Lesson Study-Learning Community explained by a Biology lecturer of FKIP UMM, Rr. Eko Susetyarini.

Meanwhile, the representatives from JICA, Widi, hoped that after participating in this workshop, the participants could grab better understanding and implement the concept of Lesson Study in class.

"In addition, it is expected that the participants can also find new ideas while teaching. So, their teaching ability will be improved. Besides, by getting this training and understanding, it will make an active learning for better education in the future”.

This workshop was also an event of signing a memorandum of understanding between FKIP and Education and Culture Department of Batu . Widodo said that it was done to socialize and implement Lesson Study because this program is now focused in Batu. (lus)



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