Elementary Students Learn English While Playing with UMM Students

Author : Humas | Tuesday, December 27, 2016 11:45 WIB
One of elementary students performance in the graduation of English for Young Learners FKIP UMM.

English is language which is very easy to learn and understand. At least that's the impression of Aisyah Peravasa Effendy, the best student of second class, English for Young Learners (EYL) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). "I join EYL since the first grade, and next year will come again. Learn English at UMM was fun for learning while playing, the teacher is friendly," said Vasa, her nickname.

It has been more than 10 years for English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UMM opened classes for elementary school students (SD) around the campus as a venue for the practice of students who took EYL as elective courses.

A semester for EYL, students learnt how English learning become fun for children. Students were also required to establish classes for students between grade one to six. At the end of the semester, students of English UMM subsequently held a Graduation Party (graduation degree) for all students EYL.

For the EYL 2016/2017 graduation, this activity was held at the Gazebo Central Library UMM (25/12). According to the lecturer of the course EYL, Aninda Nidhommil MPd, EYL was a course that provided experience for students to teach English to children, as a complement to the knowledge taught at the upper level. "In this course, the students open classes, range from the recruitment of students, learn, evaluate, until graduation, with students from various schools in Malang Raya," said Anin, her nickname.

Not only elementary school students who were the main target of the EYL subjects. Anin also explained that teachers who were 7th semester, were also targeted in the course. According to Anin, teachers were required to raise the mood of students during learning. "Raising the student's mood is a start-up capital so that they (students) want to learn English, and this is a challenge for students,"

she said.

The experience of using the language in an authentic manner became the main purpose of learning EYL. For example, when the material Selling and Buying explained, students should be able to present the study by using role play, count money correctly and interact just like the real buyers and sellers. Songs in English at the beginning and at the end of the lesson also be activities that were typical of the class EYL. "The song is still one method of learning. So, by singing in English, students can memorize vocabulary and usage, "said Anin.

This activity also featured various art performances of elementary school students in English. Students from grade 1 to 6 actively participated in the closing of the EYL. Starting from singing, fashion shows, and even drama, all displayed in English. "In future, EYL was expected to be more creative so that students can be more comfortable learning English," said Anin. (Jal / han)



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