BSN Cooperates with UMM to Boosts Competitiveness of Regional Superior Products

Author : Humas | Thursday, May 04, 2017 12:16 WIB

LESS role of higher education in business field, especially on Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) has encouraged the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to intensify an assistance in improving the competitiveness of regional superior products through standardization.

The National Standardization Cooperation Center (BSN) chairman R. Iskandar Novianto conveyed on the National Seminar at UMM Auditorium on Wednesday, May 4, the goal of enhancing the competitiveness of superior products, namely increasing of quality assurance, production efficiency, national competitiveness, fair business competition and transparency in trading, business certainty, ability of business actor, and an ability of technological innovation.

During the agenda of the implementation of cooperation between DPPM and BSN, Iskandar added, other goal were to improve protection of consumers, business actors, workers, other communities, as well as the state, whether  from  aspect of safety, security, health, and preservation of environmental function.

"No less important, business actors getting certainty, smoothness, and efficiency of trade in goods or services at home and abroad," Iskandar explained.

On the other hand, DPPM Deputy Director II Dr Masduki said that UMKM has became large due to relied on their own ability without government interference.

"In fact, there are many programs from the government, namely research programs and community service from Menristekdikti. One of them is how universities to keep a cooperation with the business field, especially UMKM," Masduki said.

An Efforts to be involved in improving the competitiveness of regional superior products, which has been done by UMM. One of them was through Real Work Lecture (KKN) which was followed by 6th semester students. However, Masduki considered that KKN program was not maximal enough in trying to improve the quality of regional products.

"The cooperation between UMM and DPPM is considered strategic so universities could take a part to encourage the enhancement of competitiveness of regional superior products," Masduki said. (Can/Han/Naz)



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