Not Just Scores in Academic, The Best Graduates of UMM are Active in Volunteer Programs

Author : Humas | Monday, September 19, 2022 06:57 WIB
Qoonita the best graduate of UMM Period III 2022. (Photo: Haqi PR UMM)

Not many students are moved to enter the humanitarian field. However, Qoonita Naa'ifah did something different. Besides being active in teaching children in orphanages voluntarily, this best graduate of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has also won various championships at regional and national levels.

Qoonita, as she is known, explained that at first, she was only active in several volunteer activities. However, the eldest of two siblings feels that this is still lacking. Therefore, he joined the Jejak Pengabdi Indonesia organization in 2019 and from there he started teaching at an orphanage.

“To become a volunteer in the community, I have to go through several selections. Thank God I was able to pass and was placed in the Nurul Abyadh Orphanage with 15 other volunteers,” said the Food Science and Technology (ITP) student.

There are several things that encourage Qoonita to volunteer. He said that he really wanted to be a teacher. However, due to several reasons, this wish could not be granted. Therefore, he made his teaching activities at this orphanage a solace. This activity also does not interfere with the lecture process because it is carried out at night.

“I enjoy meeting new people and contributing to society at large. In addition, rather than the material during Junior High School and Senior High School that I learned was wasted, I better distribute it to others. This is also in line with one of the proverbs that I like, which is that the best human being is he who is beneficial to others,” said Qoonita.

Regarding her achievements, Qoonita shared that she started actively writing essays when she was in her final semester. Although it was quite late to enter the competition, he was able to catch up well and won several championships. One of them won the National Student Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) at Bengkulu University.

“In the last semester, I was also active in the mushroom mentai business. This business is a realization of the entrepreneurship course in the “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” (MBKM) program. This business also received funding from the campus along with nine other groups beating hundreds of other groups. I am grateful to study at UMM because my potential and talent are well and seriously accommodated. Not only looking for profit, I also make this business as my final thesis project,” said the student who was born in 1999.

Furthermore, Qoonita shared that she did not expect to be the best graduate in this graduation period. “My college life for these four years was like a roller coaster. Therefore, I am very grateful for this unexpected achievement of the best graduates. In the future, I want to try other volunteer activities, especially teaching children in remote areas,” she concluded. (cdr/syi/wil)



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