The CEO of Ginray Japan Teaches Our Graduates How to Do Business

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 15, 2022 11:17 WIB
Ginray Co. Ltd CEO Shinji Okazaki, MBA. gave business advice at the UMM graduation (Photo by Yafi PR of UMM)

Business is not just about profit and investment. Both of them did not produce anything. This was conveyed by the CEO of Ginray Co. Ltd, Shinji Okazaki, MBA. In front of thousands of graduates of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang on December 15, 2022. Ginray Co. Ltd. is a large Japanese company engaged in agriculture and food.

According to Okazaki, business is an idea or idea that is channeled to overcome a problem that occurs around us. The world is experiencing significant changes due to various countries’ food crises. Even with climate change until the population continues to increase. According to him, this problem cannot be solved by oneself; there needs to be cooperation from various countries and multiple parties to help each other.

However, according to him, establishing cooperation is challenging, especially with so many differences and competition. Interestingly, he sees that differences should be the key to overcoming problems. One way is to do something not based on one's or group's wishes but for the common good.

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"Our visit to UMM is nothing but to establish cooperation; that way, there will be generations who will later become part of overcoming world problems. Once again, congratulations to the graduates, parents, and lecturers for arriving at this moment," he said.

Also present on the same occasion was the coordinating minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK), Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P. He said that currently, the government is opening many job vacancies. Many investments have also been opened because this can increase the number of available jobs.

"However, bringing in investors is certainly not easy because we are also competing with other countries with the same goal," he said.

Muhadjir continued that one of the efforts to win the competition was to organize a big strategic agenda. Including Indonesia, which managed to host the G20. Especially considering that countries that are members of the G20 have high gross domestic programs. Indonesia is currently in 16th position among 20 countries in terms of wealth. However, in 2045 Indonesia has a target to reach the fifth position.

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"To achieve that goal, today’s graduates will take a significant role. In welcoming Indonesia Gold 2045, you must have sufficient capital due to high competition. It's not enough to study at university, but you have to keep studying to adapt to the times," he said.

The Rector of UMM, Dr. Fauzan M.Pd, considered the graduates a lucky group because they had graduated from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). This was inseparable from UMM's achievements which received various national and international recognitions.

“This is an excellent investment. Always use the knowledge that you have to spread the benefits. Be a problem solver in society, not a problem maker. Once again, congratulations to the graduates; I hope you are always confident in facing the future," Fauzan hoped. (cdr/wil)



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