UMM Professor Creates Livestock Probiotics, Winning National Innovation Award

Author : Humas | Tuesday, July 23, 2024 04:22 WIB
Prof. Dr. Ir. Indah Prihartini, M.P., IPU. (Photo: Special).

Achievement after achievement continues to be made by the academician of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Most recently, one of the professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Indah Prihartini, M.P., IPU. Successfully received an award from the Indo Livestock Research and Innovation Award 2024 in the Dairy Cattle category at the Jakarta Convention Center on July 17th. The achievement was due to her fascinating research product, Probiotic Livestock Plus. The Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (FAAH) at UMM managed to shift hundreds of other products submitted in the event.

It turns out that the Probiotic Livestock Plus product has been beneficial to cattle farmers in more than 50 cities and regencies throughout Indonesia. Indah, as she is affectionately known, admitted that she has been developing the product since 2004. Initially, the probiotics focused on improving food digestion and optimizing nutrient uptake by cattle. However, after being used further, there were various other benefits that emerged.

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“I have been developing biofarm products for more than 20 years, including this probiotic livestock plus. The benefits exceeded my expectations. At first, it was to increase the absorption of nutrients in cows, but it turns out that it can also reduce residues in cow's milk, control health, and contain many nutrients for livestock. Even when there was an outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) some time ago, this product was also used for treatment,” she explained.

Furthermore, she revealed that probiotics are very effective for cattle recovery when affected by FMD. Through her observations, she found that beef cattle only need three days, while dairy cows take seven days to recover. The treatment process is also quite easy, by spraying the probiotics on the FMD-infected area and regularly feeding them.

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“In my opinion, this is quite miraculous. Alhamdulillah, there are also farmers who have benefited from it. The healing process during FMD outbreaks is very effective, especially for dairy cows whose milk cannot be produced when they are sick. It only takes seven days, the FMD and milk production have returned to normal,” she said.

Indah hopes that all universities are able to create innovative products that can help the community in various aspects. She also hopes to provide renewable education since not all levels of society have easy access to innovative products.

“No matter how good the work and products are, if the community does not know about it, it will be useless and futile. Now, UMM is actively serving the community so that its products can be downstream and used directly by the community. There is even a special program called the Professor of Community Development Drivers (P3M), which further intensifies the benefits of UMM,“ she concluded. (faq/wil/put)



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