Primary School Students Show Off in Front of Saudi Arabian Ambassador at UMM

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 07, 2017 15:47 WIB
Saudia Arabian Ambassador says hi to participants of Islamic Children Festival

Five thousands participants attended Appreciation of Islamic Children #CerdasBerkarakter event at Hall Dome University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The event was attended by primary school students and teachers from Malang, Sidoarjo, and Nganjuk.

At the opening of the event, the Rector of UMM Fauzan said that this event is expected to be a regular agenda of Foreign Relations Office (KHLN) and Saudi Arabia government. Fauzan said, “Hopefully, this event will always be held the next years so students have distinct impression memories about event like this”.                              

The event was held on Thursday (07/12) opened with drum band performance performed by Primary School of Muhammadiyah 08 Dau, then continued by Arabic speech by Fio, a student of Primary School of Muhammadiyah 04 Malang.

In the middle of the event, the Head of Balagtus Sabi’ah wa Badaktu Ushalli program, Syeikh Dr. Muhammad Mahmud Assayid, said that this event is a special moment yet important as an appreciation for children so they can increase the spirit of worship. Assayid said, “ Today is a happy day for all of us, especially for children who are attending to this event. Those who have already been praying since they were seven are heroes for religion and the future of the nation”.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabian Ambassador, Osama bin Mohammed Abdullah Al Suhaibi admonished that both parents and teachers have to preserve children’s faith in worship. He said.” Children have already been praying since they were seven. So, parents and teachers have to take care of them in keeping their faith and help them to improve it”. (lus)



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