One of student was asking Minister, Muhadjir Effendym about Indonesian education system. |
After being a keynote speaker at the public testing activities Perbukuan System Bill, 2017, Minister of Education and Culture, Prof Dr Muhadjir Effendy MAP, gave a public lecture to the students at University of Muhammadiyah Malang AR Fachruddin mosque on Wednesday (22/3).
In this event, Muhadjir gave opportunities to the students to ask about the education system in Indonesia. They are very enthusiasm by questioning various questions.
"Why Indonesia students must learn many subjects? While in other countries, students are directed to focus on their talents and interests, "said student.
Responding to this question, Muhadjir recognizes that the education system in Indonesia need to be addressed. Muhadjir aware that focusing to talents and interests of the students is important. But, on the other hand, many subjects were given from elementary school to middle also aims to give students the opportunity to choose and direct their own interests and talents.
However, the minister does not do nothing. Looking ahead, Muhadjir will review subjects and reduce the subjects considered less effective. In addition, character education will also be strengthened in ealy age of students itself, such as learning outdoors (outdoor).
Not only about focusing to the talents and interests, students also would criticize the rampant of crime who done by lots of school age youth.
"Cases of crimes are caused by time gap between school and family. This what makes students often off guard. Therefore, the extention of school time activities become one of strategy that students use positively, "said Muhadjir.
In addition, Education Minister RI, deputy chairman of the commission, Ir HAR Sutan Adil Hendra MM, also motivated students to become intelligent persons. According to them, being a student is a golden opportunity to develop themselves through various activities.
"One of characteristics of an intelligent persons is able to take advantages of the ime. So being student is a golden opportunity, do not waste it," Sutan noted. (Ich / han)