Read 74 Million Times at Wattpad, This Student Work Novel was Filmed Again

Author : Humas | Saturday, January 12, 2019 10:16 WIB
Hidayatul Fajriyah held the new novel of Mariposa which will soon air on the big screen. (Photo: Special)

Enthusiasm towards the launch of the Mariposa novel by Hidayatul Fajriyah, a student at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) presented optimism for Indonesia's famous publisher, Gramedia.

This novel will continue the success of his best-seller novel entitled "EL". Even though, it has just entered the pre-order stage, this teen fiction comedy genre novel sold 17,849 copies.

The process of writing Mariposa which has the meaning of Spanish "Butterfly" has been since a year ago. This fifth novel began with the writing of the digital version in the Wattpad application.

The number of readers' interest, up to 74 million times read and got a positive response from readers, made this novel go up in print. Unmitigated, this novel has been glimpsed at the Starvision production house before it was published by Gramedia.

"Alhamdulillah, when Novel Mariposa was still written in Wattpad, Starvision immediately contacted and invited cooperation to adapt it to the big screen," said the student of the Faculty of Business Economics (FEB), Friday (11/1).

In making this film, Luluk, as she is called, can have many valuable experiences. Moreover, she was also directly involved by Starvision in making Mariposa's own film script.

"In making the script, I was asked a lot of suggestions. The scriptwriter itself is Alim Sudio and will be directed by Fajar Bustomi, "said the girl from Lamongan, East Java.

Novel Mariposa was not the only one Luluk work that was filmed, in 2018, the fourth novel "EL" was also filmed with the same title. Unlike "EL", Mariposa itself raised a lighter story.

Not only told love stories, but also friendship, kinship and the world of high school kids. This novel was more interesting, especially packed with a comedy typical of today's young people.

Telling the struggle of Acha, a spoiled and hyperactive girl who fell in love with Iqbal who was ignorant. Acha struggled to get Iqbal's heart. Narrated, Acha likened Iqbal as a butterfly.

"Butterflies have a philosophy. If they are chased, they will stay away. If it is not pursued and left alone, there will be walking and avoid or will stop and close, "she explained.

"Hopefully in this second film that adapted from my novel, all Mariposa novel readers like and are satisfied with the film, so they want to watch it repeatedly," Luluk said optimistically.

The tradition of achievement was always fostered in each UMM academic community. Not only encouraging students to innovate through their work and services, lecturers and employees were also encouraged to have similar gait.

"This is because of UMM's commitment to contribute to Indonesia's progress through science and technology," said UMM Rector, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd on different occasions. This Luluk achievement was a proof.

No wonder, since being registered as a new student, students have been directed and encouraged to put forward scientific reasoning. One of them was through the cultivation of scientific writing in the form of Student Creativity Program (PKM).

In addition, students had extensive opportunities to develop their academic abilities, interests and talents. "UMM responds positively and enthusiastically by making Saturday as a Student Day," Fauzan said.

On this day, he continued, students will carry out independent activities or collective as a form of actualization and self-development in various fields such as religion, interest talent, professionalism and cultivation. (Win)



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