Head of General Section of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxation (DJP) of Jakarta Khusus Nadia Riasari Wisatayanti speaks about the importance of tax awareness. |
BASED on the state revenue data of the last five years, revenue from taxation was the biggest part of Indonesia state income. Thus, taxes were very important for state sustainability. This was conveyed by the Head of General Affairs Division of Jakarta Directorate General of Taxation (DJP) Khusus Nadia Riasari Wisatayanti in front of Students of Accounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on Friday, August 11.
"From economic perspective, as we have acknowledged that taxes are understood as the displacementof resources from private to public sector. This understanding provides an illustration that taxes cause two situations to change," she explained at UMM Basement Dome entitled " Tax Speaks ".
Firstly, continued Nadia, reducing ability of individuals in controlling resources for controlling benefit of goods and services. Secondly, increasing capacity of state finances in providing of goods and public services that are society needs.
"Hence, taxes have a very important role in the life of state, especially in the implementation of development due to taxes are a source of state revenue to finance expenditure including development fund," he said.
As long as people are not having an tax-awareness yet, Nadia said, how hard the effort to collect taxes were done, it will be fruitless. Therefore, it was necessary to change behavior of people in paying taxes.
"Students are potential taxpayers, even there are lot of students who already fulfilled subjective and objective requirements to become a taxpayer. Inclusion of tax awareness in higher education is expected to create a young generation who love hometown and realize in defending country by participating and fulfilling their obligations tax, "he said.
On the other hand, the seminar program "Tax Speaks" simultaneously held in several regions in Indonesia aimed toward tax awareness of citizens will be increased by early understanding of taxation for children (elementary, junior and senior high school) and University students. (Naz)