Motodoro SRI UMM Drone Assisted Spraying Disinfectant to Prevent Covid-19

Author : Humas | Tuesday, March 24, 2020 18:03 WIB
Drone of Motodoro SRI (PHOTO: Special)
The efforts made to suppress the rate of Corona Virus Spread (Covid-19) had really not been able to rely solely on the government alone, but all elements of society were obliged to involve themselves.
One of the efforts made by the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was installing their sophisticated devices in the form of two defined drone units whose functions as spraying and monitoring public.

A drone that usually used to spray the pest in the area of ricefield was seconded to spraying several areas that potentially became the point of the spread of the deadly virus.

UMM Chancellor Dr. H. Fauzan, M.Pd stated that this action was a joint work of several Corona elements and task forces formed by the Regents of Malang and Danrem 083 / Bdj. UMM had a Drone facility that could spray disinfectants that were suspected of being able to minimize the spread of Coronavirus.

Furthermore, Fauzan conveyed that what UMM had done was a form of community services and concerns.

In the time being, The dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Dr. Ir. David Hermawan, M.P., IPM., on Tuesday (24/3) and Wednesday (25/3) The SRI Motodoro drone, valued at around 250 million IDR per unit, was demoted to spraying disinfectants at several points in Greater Malang.
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This spraying action embroiled the multifunction drones, according to him, was based on the coordinator if two prominent figures, viz Korem Commander (Danrem) 083/Baladhika Jaya Colonel Inf. Zainuddin and Regent Drs. H.M. Sanusi, M.M.

The target spraying points were the Sub-district Dau area where some cases were found that its inhabitants were suspect for Covid-19. The next spraying was conducted in the area of the Rampal field. Continued Wednesday (24/3) for similar action in the city of Malang.

This enticing idea about drone utilization to respond to the feast of pandemic Coronavirus in Malang was initiated from sharing with several UMM lecturers and academic communities. UMM Chancellor Dr. H. Fauzan, M.Pd approved that action and quickly made coordination with Radar Malang to scheme the technical implementation.

Radar Malang, through social action fundraising for the Dompet Peduli Korona Malang Raya started on March 21st, hoped to take apart in resolving the issue of supplying disinfectant liquids which were increasingly rare in the market.

Radar Malang together with Malang Raya Chinese Citizen Communication Forum (FKWTMR) took the initiative to do a fundraising to finance all the activities that included an effort to eradicate the coronavirus.

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One of the forms was the purchase of the disinfectant tablet on Sunday (22/3). There were 5 cans where each can contained 100 disinfectant tablets that would be used to produce 10 liters of disinfectant. So, there was a total availability of 5,000 liters of disinfectant and was sufficient to spray an area of approximately 15 thousand hectares.

For the tablet stock availability, it had been purchased 20 cans that would arrive and be obtainable on next Wednesday. This disinfectant liquids form Radar Malang and FKWTMR would be utilized to spray using the UMM drones.

David explained that Pentahelix synergy which included academics, business people, communities, government, and the media in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus was very effective

Regarding the ability of these drones to be able to carry approximately 25 liters of disinfectant fluid. "It takes 15 minutes to spray that much liquid," he said. Even though the maximum capacity was capable of carrying 25 liters, but it was safer to fill it with 23 liters and was capable of spraying an area of approximately 70 hectares. (adq)



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