Students of Engineering Faculty Showcases 19 Student’s Products

Author : Humas | Wednesday, December 21, 2016 11:16 WIB
One of  the products of industrial engineering student UMM which was displayed.

AT least 19 products of Industrial Engineering student, Faculty of Engineering (FT) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) showed  the advantages of each product in Laboratory of  industry enginering product exhibition that was held at Together LectureBuilding  (GKB) enginering canteen, on Tuesday (20/12).

The exhibition based on class design and product development (P3) subject that were a compulsory subject which was given at 5th semester and the students were required to make product of industry.

Like coffee carrier which made by Hidalgo Roby Wijaya with his five friends group. Febrian explained,beside accomponied with brakes assafety support  in carrying heavy loads on downhill road conditions. The advantage of tool which was made by their group was also able to load weightsup to 100 kilograms.

"Moreover, our tools are also made by using strong materials, stainless. Also, designed ergonomically suitable with data anthropometric. (study related to measurements of the human body dimension, Red.) Coffee farmers," Hidalgo said when asked to explain the advantage of the tool.

Another innovation product of 2014 industrial engineering student  was desk of laptop bag. The mixed bag laptop and table which may allowed  the owner to carry it anywhere. Anohter interesting finding was the tool to filter catfish’s size which made by Gusti dermawan and his own four friends grup.

Met in his office, Ir. Muhammad Lukman, MT., Lecturer of P3m subjectexplained that every product was made should pass through a number of stages that wascalled marketable product. The first, Lukmandescribed, every industrial product design techniques should also based on customer need. In addition, the product design should have a quality dimension.

"What is seen from dimensions of the quality consist of performance aspect, features, service abilitiy, and several variables of another quality. Those three products should be introduced to people by launching such an exhibition whichisbeing held," He said.

Lukman admitted, the quality of student works have not reached the required level which was needed byindustry. Due to only a prototype, Lukman encouraged students to continue in developing products that have been created. "First, due to the cost, second due to experience. So we are expecting, the products are made by 2014 can be developed by the next generation, "Lukman Said. (Can / han)



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