Director general of culture, Farid, visited the stands of international culinary BIPA UMM . Picture: Rino Anugrawan |
WEALTH nusantara cultural treasures is a particular concern for the Cultural Institution (LK) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Through the National Culture Art Festival, which was held two days (18-19 / 11) at UMM Dome, UMM intended to give an affirmation, the wealth of art and culture of this country should be a media to reinforce national character.
Some of the activities at this festival were appreciation of cultural heritage of poetry, the codex (heritage), potehi puppet, cultural heritage photography and traditional Indonesian dance. Several competitions were also held including cultural photography competition, dance and karawitan. This festival also involved the student to the establishment of cultural bazaar,
Directorate General (DG) of the Cultural Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) RI, Hilmar Farid PhD, who participated in this festival said that culture is not just about dancing and singing, but it is greatly meaningful as cultural heritage which must be preserved. "Culture is one manifestation of Indonesian development practices. In fact, the culture should be upstream of the development of this country, "said historian and student of the culture.
Meanwhile UMM Vice Rector, Prof Dr Syamsul Arifin, MSi said that the festival was held at the same time as participation UMM for Milad Muhammadiyah 104. It is also in line with the spirit of cultural da'wah Muhammadiyah which is pro-culture. "Culture and art are part of muamalah. It was also stated in the decision of the Legal Affairs Committee of Muhammadiyah who brings culture and art as cultural da'wah Muhammadiyah, "said the lecturer of Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) UMM.
Syamsul said that UMM is very open to cultural issues. "We must be literate culture, should not be introvert, because Indonesia has a very broad cultural treasure," said Syamsul. Until now, UMM also vigorously organized Appreciation Night Art and Culture (Maksidaya) which is regularly held every three months.
Likewise, the Head of LK UMM Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih MSi explained further that Indonesian culture is currently looking for its identity. Therefore, this festival exists to strengthen the national character. "With a series of events that have been conceptualized by committee, LK UMM wishes that it can strengthen the personality of Indonesian culture, especially for UMM students themselves," he explained.
Currently, said Tri, many activists art emerged to reinforce nusantara culture . "We are very concerned to improve civilization through culture. The presence of this institution (Cultural Institution/ LK) is one of concern for UMM on the culture, "said lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP). (HUMAS UMM).