Dialogue among lecturers of Faculty Teacher Training and Education in order to implement UMM's KPT. |
UNIVERSITY of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) continued to develop the Curriculum of Higher Education (KPT) to be implemented soon in teaching and learning activities. Previously, UMM actively revitalized KPT in order learning process could running based on national standards. Currenty, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UMM strenghthened the KPT idea through socializaition and implementation of KPT and workshop of Semester Learning Plan (RPS), Friday (1/13) at UMM Auditorium.
FKIP will be the only one faculty that starting the KPT in the upcoming academic year 2017-2018. UMM Vice Rector, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si stated, that the implementation of KPT could not be done instantly. After doing the KPT review and making the accelerating team of university’s KPT, UMM will apply it soon. "KPT that is implemented by FKIP will become a reference for other faculties and study programs," he explained
Strengthening of academic not only in the curriculum field, according to Syamsul, also strengthening of the Human Resources (SDM). "If we talk about the curriculum, the existence and continuity of curriculum should be supported by the continuity of qualified human resources," he remarked.
One of them, through productivity of articles and international journals. According to Syamsul, through lecturer’s viable in writing articles and international journals , the easier for UMM to get international recognition.
Not only to remind about curriculum and strengthening of human resources, Syamsul also argued the implementation of KPT has the goal to establish the student’s qualities . "Everything what lecturers have done, its return for students. If UMM students have qualities then gradually, we will also to establish resident qualities " Syamsul said.
In addition, for strengthening of scientific activities, which was done by the students, UMM will continue to integrate subjects with Student Creativity Program (PKM). According to Syamsul, by that integrating, student’s produce will also have qualities. "So there are two things that will guarantee the student’s qualities, scientific works and strengthening of curriculum," he explained.
Dean of FKIP UMM, Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M.Kes asserted, FKIP optimistic will implement KPT in the upcoming academic year. Gradually, FKIP strengthened KPT, started from study program (Prodi) of Biology who pioneered the implementation of KPT since 2016. All FKIP’s lecturers were involved in creating and implementation of KPT. "FKIP already formulated the half way regarding this KPT, now we have entered the finishing stage that to be applied later," he explained.