The Dean FKIP UMM Poncojari Wahyono on PPG FKIP UMM at BAU Hall, on Thursday (27/9) |
There are 109 teachers from all over Indonesia join the orientation of teacher professional education program (PPG) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Batch 2 at BAU Hall on Thursday (27/9).
The Coordinator of the program, Trisakti Hndayani conveyed that all the participants are going to follow all activities including material enrichment and practice. “The participants will be following all the activities in class for five weeks and practice for three weeks”.
Meanwhile, the Dean of FKIP UMM Poncojari Wahyono emphasized that the participants must seriously have a big effort yet happy joining this program. “I am hoping you all get great result after this program ends”.
UMM Rector Fauzan conveyed that a teacher is a fighter for the nation because they teach and educate other people’s children to succeed. “You are the key of the education in Indonesia”. Teacher is also a manager in managing human resources in education. They should not be tired in educating their students and teach them good attitudes and manners. “ The main education is about attitude. Nowadays, when children curse on social media, they feel with it. They ride motorcycle with no manner. That’s why, manner and attitude is important”. (lus)