University students are the intellectuals in dealing with diversity. Different opinions should be spoken through constitutive way such as constitution debate which is held today, Tuesday (10/4).
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia cooperated with Law Faculty University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a “National Seminar and the Open Ceremony of Student Constitution Debate Competition” at the Hall of GKB 4 9th floor UMM.
Vice Rector I UMM, Syamsul Arifin, conveyed that this debate competition is a practice for students to speak their arguments and to accept opinions of others. Arifin said, “Wa jaadilhum billati hiya ahsan, speak your argument nicely, scientifically, rationally, and objectively”.
General Secretary of Indonesia Constitutional Court, M.Guntur Hamzah opened officially this debate competition. Guntur said, “Constitution Debate is the highest level for debate competition for students. Law students from the best universities in Indonesia meet”.
After the opening ceremony, the next agenda was National Seminar under the theme “Measure the Effectiveness of Regional Election: Permanent Democracy or Participatory Democracy”. This seminar was attended by 24 representatives of private and state Universities all around Indonesia, from East Java to Papua.
Hamdan Zoelva who is the Chairman of PP Syarikat Islam, explained that regional election is one of democratic mechanisms to elect regional leader. Zoelva said, “Regional election makes people actively take a part to elect their leader. It gives strong legitimation for regional leader”.
Janedjri M.Gaffar, the Expert Staff of Law & Human Right Affairs of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, said that the important thing in regional election is the meaning of people’s sovereignty.
Gaffar said, “Reagional leader will be determined by people, not by the Regional House of Representatives”.
At the end of the session, Vice Rector III UMM, Sidik Sunaryo said that there are things that have to be considered during regional election. Sidik said, “Ethics or morality is important during regional election”. (lus)