Holding Muhammadiyah Update, PSIF Reviews Ethics and Spirit of Muhammadiyah Movement

Author : Humas | Wednesday, November 01, 2017 16:02 WIB
Book review situation in Muhammadiyah Update 2017

Islamic Studies and Philosophy Center (PSIF) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held Muhammadiyah Update again. This event was through the surgical book of Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy and Azaki Khoirudin entitled "Muhammadiyah and Spirit Ethic of Civilization" which was held on Wednesday (1/11) at AR Fachruddin Mosque Hall of UMM.

Chairman PSIF, Dr. Pradana Boy ZTF, M.A. conveyed that this kind of literacy activity is very important, especially in the academic sphere. He also explained that the name selection of Muhammadiyah Update activities had a reason. "Muhammadiyah Update means that we realize there must be a mindset kemuhammadiyahan as scientific studies. In this case, students and academic community of UMM is kept to up to date the scientific studies in the scope of Muhammadiyah," said Pradana.

In the book published by Suara Muhammadiyah, Pradana continued, in addition to explaining the ethos of Al-Maun, Muhammadiyah is also described in three forms, namely Muhammadiyah as a movement, mindset and an organization.

"As a movement, we can take the example of the courses of Al-Islam and Kemuhamadiyahan taught in various Muhammadiyah schools. As a mindset, we can see almost all mosques in Indonesia today use takmir system, which the system was Muhammadiyah innovation in the past. And as an organization, we can see, Muhammadiyah has grown with strucuture that reaches the regions and has many achievements every year," he explained.

By reviewing his book, Zakiyuddin revealed, a scholar must have intellectual responsibility for the polemics around him. "Scientists or intellectuals must have intellectual responsibility, so it must be able to provide solutions to various problems. This book is an intellectual endeavor that hopefully can inspire many people." He concluded. (ard)



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