Lunar Eclipse Prayer, AR Fachruddin Mosque Invites Worshipers to Look The Greatness of Allah

Author : Humas | Wednesday, January 31, 2018 23:16 WIB
lunar eclipse prayer, Wednesday (31/1) in AR Fachruddin UMM Mosque

Everyone believes that all existence in the universe is created by Allah SWT. Lunar eclipse or Super Blue Blood Moon on Wednesday, (31/01/2018) was one of natural phenomena as a form of God Almighty.

By law Shari'a, the law of praying when moon or sun lunar eclipse is sunnah muakad, ie the practice of sunnah does not want to be abandoned by Prophet Muhammad.

"The Messenger of Allah said that the occurrence of the sun or moon eclipse is not dealing with death or birth, so when the phenomenon occurs, do sholat, praying, and alms. HR. Bukhori and Muslim," said Ustad Ahmad Fathoni, LC., MA as the khotib at A.R. Mosque. Fachruddin University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).

He, head of Study Program (Kaprodi) Arabic Language Education FAI UMM, mentioned that lunar eclipse has its purpose to live one of signs of greatness and power of God. Therefore, we are commanded to bow to Him.

"The lesson we can learn from the phenomenon after 152 years ago and happen again today is that we as human beings are very small, while Allah is all-powerful," added Ustad Ahmad Fathoni.

Moreover, the sunnah prayer is also to submit to God and realize that the advantages we have and we glorify will perish before God.

"This lunar eclipse is one of the power of God that can not be done by very small man, so we as fellow people must be more sincere to help among others without feeling higher and mulya". he added.

One of Takmir Masjid A.R. Fachruddin, Wahyu Hidayat, said that the lunar eclipse prayer can also be a reminder of God's greatness.

"We must be grateful for the way of Eid prayer, by surrendering that Allah is All-Being," said Wahyu Hidayat, one of Takmir Masjid A.R. Fachruddin. (ard)



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