Governor Pakde Karwo: Vocational Education Solution to Realize Community Welfare

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 27, 2018 16:23 WIB
Governor of East Java, Dr. Dr. (HC) Soekarwo, SH., M. Hum. (Photo: Rino / PR)

Increasing competitiveness through vocational education is a concrete step towards realizing general welfare and educating the life of the nation. The results of the survey of the Vocational Special Job Vacancies Forum in East Java in 2018 showed that vocational graduates who were accepted to work in the industry were 64.11%.

"In line with the results of the survey, BPS noted a decline in unemployment of SMK graduates from 2014 by 10.53% to 8.83% in 2018," said the Governor of East Java, Dr. Dr. (HC) Soekarwo, SH., M. Hum., During the coronation of himself as Doctor Honoris Causa, Thursday (12/27).

The vocation education policy that Sukarwo did, had succeeded in pushing the structure of workers in East Java more qualified. There was a shift in labour education in East Java, in 2008 the majority of workers in East Java (57.79%) were graduates of elementary education.

"Meanwhile, in 2018 the majority of East Java workers, 53.80%, are intermediate education graduates. "Increasing East Java's workforce capacity is an input that encourages productivity," said Pakde Karwo who received the honorary degree from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).

The productivity of labour in East Java, continued Sukarwo, has an impact on the ranking of regional competitiveness, especially the competitiveness of Human Resources (HR). East Java HR competitiveness was appreciated by the Asia Competitiveness Institute. "This indicates that East Java has competitive human resources," he said.

Increasing competitiveness through vocational education has succeeded in reducing the unemployment rate of vocational school graduates as well as increasing labour capacity in East Java, and have an impact on labour productivity so can increase competitiveness and drive the pace of inclusive economic growth.

"East Java's economic growth is supported by productive performance. the Given the current high and stable economic growth which is accompanied by the equal distribution of income, a decrease in the level of poverty and unemployment, an increase in the Human Development Index is the inclusion of economic development, "he explained.

The impact of the policy of increasing competitiveness through vocational education supporting the performance of the industry can leverage people's income. "I expect, if the policy is sustainable, it can deliver East Java into the era of upper middle income in 2019," he said. (Win)



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