Bringing Admiral KASAL, Ade Supandi, FH UMM Pushes Maritime Diplomacy

Author : Humas | Wednesday, December 07, 2016 13:12 WIB
UMM's Rector, Fauzan, was entering seminar room with Admiral, Ade Supandi.

WITH two-thirds of its territory in the form of oceans, it is not wondered if Indonesia is known as a maritime country which has a potential wealth of outstanding sea. According to Chief of Staff of the Navy (KASAL), Admiral Ade Supandi, this potential made Indonesia is predicted to be the World Maritime Axis (PMD).

It was delivered: There was currently acting as a keynote speaker in the Seminar and Call for Paper entitled "Kebijakan Hukum Kelautan dalam Rangka Penguatan Diplomasi Maritim" which organized by the Faculty of Law (FH) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Wednesday (7/12).

Up to now, according to Ade, there was still be a debate whether Indonesia was more suitable for agrarian country or maritime country. Citing the Qur’an, Ade said that, marine themes are discussed about 33 point, while the 11 verses talks about land. Meanwhile, construction of the earth is 2/3 consisting of ocean, while the remaining is the land.

"Same as Indonesia that, 2/3 total area of ​​Indonesia is ocean, while the third is the land. Thus, Indonesia can be said as a world miniature, "he said in the presence of 115 participants consisting of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Malang, and a number of bachelor and post-graduate students.

The historical recorded evidence, said Ade, that the ancestors of Indonesia had mastered the ocean archipelago, even able to navigate the vast ocean to the coast of Madagascar and South Africa.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), census results of Indonesia's population in 2010 was of 237 641 326 people. Meanwhile, only 10% who were active in the maritime field. "So, as a form of responsibility colleges, UMM was also encouraged to contribute in advancing the field of Indonesia maritime," he said.

"Who controls the sea, he will control the trade. Whoever controls trade, then he controls the wealth of the world, and as a result he will rule the world, "he concluded.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Hukum Indonesia (APPTHI), Dr. Laksanto Utomo, SH., MH., confirms that this activity is one of dedication to the community college.

UMM’s Rector, Drs. Fauzan, M. Pd., hoped that this event would be able to produce a format that was actually intended for nation, Indonesia.

The event was divided into three sessions. The first session was in the form of national seminars related to Achievements and Indonesia Strategies As the World Maritime (Pencapaian dan Strategi Indonesia Sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia). This session presented Joni Junaidi (Sub Director of Marine Operations Support BAKAMLA) and Dr. Surya Anoraga, SH., M.H (Lecturer, Faculty of Law).

In the second session, studies was directed to Law Format Legal Policy National Oceanic filled by Prof. Hikmahanto Yuwana, SH., LL.M., Ph.D (Professor of Law and International Relations, University of Indonesia), Tommy Hendra Purwaka, SH., LL.M, Ph.D (International Marine of Law Expert), and also Dr. Iur Damos Dumoli Agusman, SH., M.A. (Sekdir of General Law and International Treaties, Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

At the last session, activities filled by 19 participants of Call For Papers who passed the selection with a predetermined theme. (PR UMM)



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