"Jalur Undangan" admission is open

Author : Humas | Monday, January 04, 2016 09:57 WIB
The teaching and learning activities are not meant to be done inside the classroom. This picture is one of the teaching and learning activities outside the classroom (ilustrated)

UNIVERSITY of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) opens the admission of the new students of jalur undangan on Monday (4/1). The admission is started from WIB 8 am and to be done online on pmb.umm.ac.id. The Head of UPT Student Admission (PMB) UMM, Dr. Ermanu Azizul Hakim, MT, says that this admission is open for all faculties but Medical Faculty.

There are two ways in this admission, namely academic and non academic. “Those who apply for academic ways are to have 75.00 on their 1st – 5th semester. Those who apply for non-academic are those who have achievement in sports, arts, paper in regional level and is proved by the achievment certificate,” Ermanu says.

The requirements are also easy. Prospective students are only to pay the admission fee for IDR 300,000, provide the legalised photocopy of their 1st – 5th semester for those who apply for academic, photocopy of achievement certificates for those who apply for non-academic, two photos of 3x4, and for Health Faculty (Fikes) they are to provide health document. “After applying online on pmb.umm.ac.id, they have to put in the transfer receipt, printed online form, and all the requirement documents to the brown envelope and send them to the address of UPT PMB UMM via post mail. It can be done collectively if they are from the same school,” Ermanu explains.

Those who are passed will get free tuiton fee for 1st semester but for Health Faculty, they will only get 50% free. “The admission is open until next April 8. All information is available on the website. You can also contact UPT PMB UMM call center on (0341)463513 or visit the UPT PMB UMM office in Jl. Raya Tlogomas no. 246 Malang,” Ermanu says.

This jalur undangan admission is one of the ways in the UMM new student admission which is open for the most prospective and excellent students. Apart from this admission, the prospective students can also apply regularly in three periodes. The first periode is in March 7 to May 6, the second periode is in May 16 to July 22 and the third periode is in August 1 to 19. The third periode is open only for the departments which still have their seat available. (zul/nas/t_rfd)



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