Management HMJ of UMM Invited Students to Imagine Ideas to Reduce Economic Inequality in East Java

Author : Humas | Sunday, March 25, 2018 10:43 WIB
In order to complete the work program of Management Student Association of Indonesia (HMMI) Region IV, Student Association Department (HMJ) Management Faculty of Business Economics (FEB) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) became the host to hold National Seminar and Discussion 2018 Regional Symposium East Java, on Saturday (24/3) in Technical Hall GKB 3.
The event entitled Looking Through East Java Development was attended by a series of East Java figures. They were Expert Staff for Social Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN), Rahma Iryanti, Legislative Member of Bojonegoro District, Sally Atyasasmi, Secretary General of Indonesian Waste Industry Entrepreneurs Association (Aspelindo), Budiyanto and FEB Management Lecturer of UMM, Wiyono .
Megi Prima Yudha, Management Program of FEB UMM student who was also the chief executor of the activity said that this event is expected to be a place of learning to spark economic ideas within the scope of East Java in order to reduce economic inequality.
"Hopefully, after this event is over, the participants are able to raise the issue of each region and can provide views for the government to take policy," he explained.
Furthermore, Megi also explained that the presenters chosen were to provide tips on how to become entrepreneurs and establish their own business. The students are able to work in the community.
One of them was Secretary-General Aspelindo, Budiyanto. He shared tips on how to start a business as early as possible. He also emphasized that business learning is not only done in college, but also in the real world more broadly.
"If non-graduates can run businesses, so the students must be capable because they have been learning for four years about the theory and practice of business," he said.
Budiyanto further explained four steps to have own business. The first is planning. The second is expanding the network because every business must need networking and the third is consistent and never give up. Budiyanto also reminded the students not to linger with the process that is not understood.
"In addition, observe, imitate and modify the companies associated with the business built. We see China, what kind of cars and technology they can not make. They can make everything and that's the science of cheating," he said.
Budiyanto messaged to the participants to succeed others as well while running a business.
"If people want to grow then developing others. If you want to be great, then making others become great," he concluded.
Furthermore, the second speaker was a member of DPRD of Bojonegoro Regency, Sally Atyasasmi, explained the problems in his homeland, Bojonegoro. She revealed that Bojonegoro is the 11th poorest district in Indonesia despite being a 30% national oil contributor and the fourth highest APBD owner in East Java after Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Malang.
Given these circumstances, Sally hoped the students can contribute in spawning ideas for East Java people especially improving the level of its economy.
"I would like to invite all of you to come together to think about it," Sally concluded. (ard)


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