UMM Eid-ul-Adha: Qurban Stops Human Greed

Author : Humas | Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:27 WIB

THE DISCOURAGEMENT of the symbol of greed through the Islamic slaughtering of qurban livestock is the essence of the celebration of Eid-ul-Adha in every year. Through this ritual, it is expected that all the Muslims can protect themselves from excessive attitudes.

That was the first message conveyed by the Chairmen of Muhammadiyah Central Board, Prof. Dr. Dadang Kahmad, M.Si, in his sermon of Eid-ul-Adha 1436 Hijriyah on the helipad of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Wednesday (23/9). 

For Dadang, this moment is supposed to be a reflection for all Muslims on the conflicts engulfing several Muslim countries around the world. “This time, there are a lot of Muslim refugees from conflicted countries looking for asylum in non-Muslim countries. This is a kind of test for us,” he said.

According to him, a Muslim-majority country should be an ideal example of peaceful country which conforming the values of Islam.  “That is why we need auto-critic to rectify ourselves, for a better future,” he explained.

He also added that this Eid-ul-Adha should be realized as the moment of controlling self-ego in avoiding greed, conflict and tale-bearing.  

Foreign Students’ Perspectives

The public ritual of Qurban is not a common thing for most of Europeans and Americans. This is admitted by Mariam Garcia, an exchange student of International Relation studies from La Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela.

“This is the first time I see livestock being slaughtered in public. Honestly, I am a little bit afraid of it. But I am impressed with the social values behind this ritual,” she said.

As a Christian, she knows many things about the concept of Qurban which begun with the history of Abraham and Ishmael. For her, this is a noble way to share and care with the poor.

“There are indeed many Europeans and Americans disagree with the process of slaughtering the livestock in public, and thus they consider it as barbaric. But for me, this is necessary to do. We need to know what the food that we are going to eat is processed,” she argued.

Meanwhile, regarding the provision of the qurban livestock, the UMM Eid-ul-Adha chief committee, Ahmad Fatoni, Lc, MA, UMM has provided 10 cows and 22 goats. Not all of them will be slaughtered in UMM. “We will only slaughter 6 cows and 3 goats in campus III and 1 cows in campus II. The rest of them will be distributed to several Muhammadiyah organizations.

In the distribution, UMM prioritizes the society surrounding Campus I, II, and III, UMM Hospital, Muhammadiyah branches, and Aisyiyah institution in Malang. For the broader distribution, UMM cooperates with the student activists through several organizations such as Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) and  Students Activity Unit (UKM) Spirituality. (han/t_far)



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