Supporting government program to eradicate illegal levies (Pungli), Zul Fahmi who is Informatics Engineering Student of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) creates application of Clean Sweep Pungli based on android. |
Corruption has been entrenched in Indonesia. Not only in the government and political elite, this latent culture has also infected other people. One of them is illegal levies (Pungli). Even, President Joko Widodo specifically called for the eradication of Pungli starting from 2016 ago. website, SMS and call center are also prepared to maximize this program.
In order to support this government program, Zul Fahmi, Informatics Engineering Student of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) makes application of Clean Sweep Pungli based on android. Zul thinks the use of conventional methods such as SMS is less effective today.
"In today's milineal era, innovations are needed easier to use and help government tasks to combat troubling Pungli practices," said the student from Balikpapan.
The workings of Sweep Net application Pungli is quite easy. Only shake the phone while in the location of suspected pungli, then the application will automatically capture the coordinates of the location where you are. This information is then automatically sent on the application server and followed up by the officer.
"Hopefully with this application can bridge the public interest to live quietly without Pungli with the government's interest to eradicate Pungli," said Zul Fahmi.
Central finishing process, Zul hopes that he can establish cooperation with the government for this application closely with community and provide optimal benefits. The government's target to eradicate levies is also faster achieved.
"Created since May 2017, the application is completed in mid-April. After that, this application will be launched in Android App Store, so every user can download it easily," he concluded. (ard)