Jodipan increasingly Inspire, Guys Pro UMM Invited to Kick Andy Show

Author : Humas | Wednesday, November 16, 2016 09:16 WIB
Serious : Nabila and Andi F Noya on Kick Andy talk show

Eight students of Communication study program have succeeded to become the initiator of Kampung Warna-Warni Jodipan (shortened as KWJ/ Colorful Village). They got big appreciation from many parties and won numerous awards. Besides, they also got a special attention from the Minister of Work and Public Housing , Imam Nahrawi when visiting Malang city.

Their success attracted Metro TV (TV station) to invite Guys Pro UMM team to share the inspiration in "Kick Andy" talk show. The talk show would be aired on Friday, November 18th, 2016 at 20:00 and replayed the next day at 13:05.

Guys Pro UMM team coordinator, Nabila Firdausiyah, said that it was hard to believe when the first time she was contacted by Metro TV staff. "On October 24, 2016 morning the Metro TV staff contacted me and asked me to be interviewed on Kick Andy talk show. The next day, I was informed that I was invited to go to Jakarta to share inspiration on the talk show,”. Nabila is a student of UMM at Communication study program.

On the show, to Andy Flores Noya (the presenter of the show),Nabila talked a lot about KWJ and where the idea to make it came from. Before becoming what it looks like today, KWJ was a slum village. Now, KWJ becomes an iconic tourist destination in Malang city. This idea has inspired Malang government to build 76 thematic villages so that the development of the city will be more directed.

Related to that success, the supervisor of Guys Pro UMM team, Jamroji said the UMM fully supports this idea. "We are very grateful. UMM gives full support into it. Anyway, this is the result of practical Public Relation and is a part of the project work indeed, ". Jamroji is a professor of Communication Study program UMM.


The awards that have been received by the Guys Pro UMM team were an award from the Mayor of Malang as the initiators of KWJ, Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) Malang as youths environmental care, the Department of Revenue of Malang in awarding Bhumi Arema as the initiators of KWJ and also Hasta Community Award on Hasta Community award event as a young leader of environmental care and many other awards . (Jal / han)



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